Scott Murphy「Balance」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
What IfScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyI'm a bit of a mess You're a little too neat You'll just be hitting snooze as I get to sleep But everything, ends up working out  Looking in it must seem like a train wreck I'm sure Our strengths, just compliment what the other lacks I can't imagine if you weren't around Where I world've ended up now  What if I'd walked, some other way What if you'd left a little late Would I still, be sitting next to you today  What if we talked, and I was too shy To ask you to stay with me awhile Would I have not known the best thing in my life... had passed me by  I'm a bit too relaxed You're a little uptight You keep me on my toes, I help you unwind And in time we learn from our mistakes  Feel like all of theses years I'd spent waiting for you Just kind of getting through, till you came along But still I wonder if you weren't around Where I would've ended up now  And without warning life can turn around and suddenly You'll be faced with a now or never opportunity But in a seconds time, It could all go by  What if I turned just as you passed What if it ended at a glance If I just looked in your eyes would I have known.
Decoder RingScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyThere's a fine line between what you call a joke and what's a lie And it's hard to tell the difference When you're always jumping back and forth across it all the time I can't blindly follow with you  And I'm getting tired Of trying to reason Through all your lies and through the games you play I'm sick of just pretending everything is gonna be ok  I was taken with the way you always spoke as if to say “This is just our little secret...” You hid behind a mask, I never asked for you to wear  Need a decoder ring To make sense of anything You've ever said to me Fiction and Fantasy  How could I not have seen it Right to my face deceived me I never knew you either way  I'm doing fine, without believing, that we'll be alright, going on this way
Winter WastelandScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyDo you want to take a walk tonight and drink in the city lights Shattered dreams, they aren't as bad as they seem Just as long as you don't look back The Season is the reason, and it's calling me home I'll write a letter and I'll send it tonight We won't brave this bitter cold alone  So here we go again Do you remember when It used to be so simple  I've gotta get back to where it snows I've gotta get back to what I know Something easier than what we've got When all I've got is here.  Give me one reason why I have to make this place my headstone After all you can only go so far running from your destination Don't wanna waste another winter here With you at the gas I'll close my eyes and we'll go
Fire at WillScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyAs the smoke subsides And the wreckage comes clear It's worse than I had thought So I wait things out here...  Just as you came along My heart stopped And I found I'd forgotten how to start it up again  All the soldiers lined Now have raised their sites They've been told not to let you get close Or they'll shoot to kill  I've been hurt before So they'll just make sure No one else can get over the bridge Or they'll fire at will  When I feel alone start to get the urge to send the troops back home but I just can't pull through  If you managed to get inside It'd be too late to fight So I have to stop you now while I still can  Wish I thought that this could work But it would just go sour I'm sure And so we don't all waste our time I'll end things now
The DistanceScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyStill remember on the day we met How you looked and how I knew I couldn't let you just leave without a way for us to meet again  And I know you had your doubts Since we lived so far apart But if we both get through it we can be together soon  DON'T GIVE UP NOW It's almost over WE'VE COME TOO FAR To let this distance be the fuse That's counting down an end to what we've gotten through  JUST GIVE IT TIME I know it's hard but WE'LL BE JUST FINE I'll come up whenever I can If we can get through this, we'll know that we can get through anything  Every moment we're apart I spend Looking forward to when I can see you next And it never seems like long enough when I head home  And I know it's not the same, but you can call me every day And if we both get through it, we can be together soon  I've got a lot of time to get absorbed in my own insecurities And maybe I'm off base but I can feel this distance tearing you from me So please...
GoodbyeScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyI felt like screaming at the outcome of the test Why do these things always have to happen to the best You were scared, and ashamed, so you kept yourself inside and though I understand it now, I never said goodbye  You were there, pushing me not to get discouraged and give up my dreams To keep on writing and the rest would come  But now you're gone, and I'm left here Trying to finish up the songs you'll never hear but there's part of you in every one.  Photographs and letters are the only things I've saved Of a place and time we'll never recreate Still can't find, the strength to clear You're old number from my phone It helps to think that if I called, you might still be at home  Confided secrets that we swore we'd never tell (I'll never tell) But it's a lot less fun to keep them by myself
Press PlayScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyYou struck a chord and found a way To voice the words I couldn't say My one regret now is that I never saw you play  But still your records will survive and I can play them anytime and through the dark spots, they'll still provide me with some light  Whoa oh, oh, oh Even if you're gone Whoa oh, oh, oh We can sing along  By pressing play, I drift away The needle finds its way around And suddenly the troubles of the day just melt away And everything can seem alright even if it's only for the night.  Now when I put your record on It warps me back into that time And all those old thoughts and feelings surface from inside  And even as I grow with age Your words have taken on new shape Still learn from the songs that first inspired me to play  So many others came along, and I've heard a million songs But none of them affected me the same You came around when I was weak, and helped me through the hardest years But there was nothing I could do when you had needed saving too
Live Till You DieScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyYou wake up every morning thinking that you'll do it all Arranging all your problems in a line from short to tall You'll knock 'em down like dominoes―and as they fall life seems perfect, like nothing else could go wrong  But then a tidal wave will come wash away, the things you put in place And won't return, till it's built up, again some other day  So TAKE, TAKE, TAKE the long road Or RACE AGAINST the clock end up either way in the same old place When the lights have all gone off  So WAIT, WAIT, WAIT for something Or LIVE, LIVE TILL you die Only get one chance to make it work But it's the path you travel by  So don't despair, when nothing's there‘cause something always comes Time can go, fast or slow it's where you view it from just step back, don't hold your breath and realize Life's not perfect, and learn to deal with surprise
Hanging by a ThreadScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyHe throws the bait She knows he's never gonna get past there games But still she plays along with every justification, for why nothing changes and for why she can't bring herself to leave  She'll be close to the edge He'll be pushing again Keeps her constantly hanging by a thread But before it can break he'll be back for the save Leaving just enough slack in the tether head back up together again  She's all sewn up with promises he swore that he wouldn't make He won't take long to start equating boring with stable and pull at the reigns again So why can't he bring himself to leave.  She'll be close to the edge He'll be pushing again Keeps her constantly hanging by a thread But before it can break he'll be back for the save Leaving just enough slack in the tether head back up together again  And if things start to go to well He'll just trip the mines he planted for himself And she's afraid to peel the skin of the rotten fruit within He'll shine up the surface and then, it's just like new again  But before it can break he'll be back for the save Leaving just enough slack in the tether head back up together again
OverboradScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyAnd now I see what a delicate thing We kept alive by keeping quiet about the problems As the doubts you shook away just followed  I don't know how we stayed afloat On a ship loaded with the weight of our betrayals That capsized when the wind tore through our sails  I've made it through the storms Into a hurricane--safe in the eye If finally came and swept me  Overboard I feel like I've been tossed aside to swim for shore And even if I did what would I see? Would anything be waiting there for me  So I wait Paddling in circles I accept my fate The current takes me wherever I go Learning just to give in to its flow  Now when you realize what you gave up You're gonna wish that you had tried a little harder Cause your solo act still needs a partner  But you'll never see that you were wrong As our collapse dragged on I'm not gonna listen anymore I'm throwing myself...
僕のあやまち 〜Falling Apart〜Scott MurphyScott MurphyScott MurphyScott Murphy君が去って 数か月たって ようやく分かった 僕がすべて はじめから 駄目だったって だから苦しいんだ 僕はまだ  分かってるつもりでも 現実じゃない なぐさめなんかは 聞きたくない もう 聞きたくないんだ  食べれず 歩けず 君の事を すべて消して 忘れたいのさ 傷心なんてもんじゃない 恋に落ちたのが 僕のあやまち  今なら 分かり合える でも 手遅れかな 僕はもう 変わると 誓えるよ もう一度チャンスをくれ  分かってるつもりでも 現実じゃない なぐさめなんかは 聞きたくない ああ 聞きたくないんだ  食べれず 歩けず 君の事を すべて消して 忘れたいさ 傷心なんてもんじゃない 恋に落ちたのが 僕のあやまち  「もしあの時…」と思うけど 君は遠くて 僕はこのまま幸せなはず もし君とやり直せたら 僕はつぶやく きっと違ってた もう一度だけ  頭から足の先まで すべて消して忘れたいさ 君の言葉まで 心が裂けたよ 恋に落ちてさ  食べれず 歩けず 君の事を すべて消して 忘れたいさ 傷心なんてもんじゃない 恋に落ちたのが 僕のあやまち  恋に落ちたのが 僕のまちがい


  1. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  2. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  3. 新しい恋人達に
  4. I want tomorrow to come
  5. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

