floating pupa」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し

Jargon〜What's pupa〜

At Dawnpupapupa高橋幸宏・天辰京子権藤知彦・高橋幸宏Like milk in my tea The night melts at dawn Clouds are floating and flowing  Like a baby who sleeps The world in a crib We drive out of the city We're bound for the river  When I think of you Do you think of me ? A day is dawning and yearning  When I look at you I see you beyond me We drive out of the city We're bound for the river  When I think of you Do you think of me ? A new day is beginning
Creakspupapupa高橋幸宏・天辰京子高橋幸宏Is this the way how it's supposed to be ? Who's gonna stop it ? Is it you or me ? And is this the way we keep on living ? I don't know  Is this the way how things are gonna be ? Who's gonna choose between the black or white ? And is this how we decide to stay alive ? Unnoticed ?  Ain't right You just go through the motions Hear now ? This creaking of my heart ?  このままでいいのか? 誰か止められるか? そして このままずっと生きるか?  このままで行くのか? 誰かが決めるのか? そして このままそっと生きられるか?  Hey now As long as my heart keeps beating You know how there'll always be another chance  They say that Heaven's right there waiting God knows Will they let me in ?  このままでいいのか? 誰か止められるか? それとも このままそっと終わるのか?  Is this the way how it's supposed to be ? Who's gonna stop it ? Is it you or me ? And is this the way we keep on living ? I don't know Is this the way how things are gonna be ? Who's gonna choose between the black or white ? And is this how we decide to stay alive ? Unnoticed ?
Anywherepupapupa原田知世堀江博久星数えながら 君想う 寝転んだ草の上  時の翼つけ 舞いあがる この身体 宙(そら)浮かび ふわりふわり揺れて飛んでく  夜の窓辺から差し込む光が 眠る君をみつめているよ 夢から覚めても 君を包んでるその世界が変わらないように  光る雨の粒 緑の葉っぱの上で まどろんで ゆらりゆらり揺れて落ちてく  悲しみは胸に 小さく砕いて しまっておこう心の奥に 分け合うとしたら ほんの一瞬でも笑顔になれる喜びがいい  星数えながら 君想う 寝転んだ草の上  光る雨の粒 緑の葉っぱの上で まどろんで  時の翼なら 君の背に 僕の背に どこへでも 遠く遠く飛んでいけるよ ふわりふわり揺れて飛んでく
Tameiki.pupapupa高野寛高野寛きみの細く長いためいきを 風が彼方へと連れて逃げた 空は雲ひとつさえもなくて どこか切ない気持ちになって  雨が濡らした樹々の戯れ(たわむれ) どこかいつもと違う前兆(まえぶれ) 風が愛の深さを試して きみの髪の毛をそっとなでた  変わりゆくこの星に 僕たちは生まれ落ち 戻らないあの時を 振り返り ためいきをついてしまう  いつか裸足で歩いた海で きみが硝子で不意に怪我して 小さな傷口から染み出した 紅き血は海の味にも似て  変わりゆくこの星に 僕たちは生まれ落ち 戻らないあの時を 振り返り ためいきをつくけど 涙も ときめきも ぬくもりも 激しさも 過ぎ去れば夢のよう サヨナラ 風だけが秋を告げて

Unfixed Stars

Glasspupapupa高田漣・天辰京子高田漣She saw through the glass Looking through the glass  She saw through the glass It sees in the glass  She saw with the glasses Imperfect time passes  I hear in the glass Melody of the brass  She saw through the glass Looking through the glass  She saw through the glass It shows in the glass  She saw with the glasses Voices of the masses  I hear in the glass Melody of the brass  She saw through the glass Looking through the glass  She saw through the glass It sees in the glass  She saw with the glasses Imperfect time passes  I hear in the glass Melody of the brass  トオイ キオクガ カナタニ ネムッテルヨ トオイ キオクハ ガラスノ ハヘンカナ? ウツクシイ ヒカリハ スルドイ マナザシ マギレモナイ ジジツハ イツモ ガラスノ ハコノナカ サ
How?pupapupa高野寛・天辰京子高野寛How do you wake up? How do you say hello? How do you look around? How do you do it?  I wanna know well well… I wanna know well well…  How do you sing a song? How do you keep smiling? How do you dance with me? How do you stop crying?  I wanna know well well… I wanna know  How do you get down? How do you forget it? How do you close your eyes? How do you go to sleep with me?  I wanna know well well… I wanna know, if you would know I wanna know well well… I wanna know, we oughta know If we ever say goodnight……
Laikapupapupa高橋幸宏・天辰京子・柴岡千穂権藤知彦En sned byggnad Ett krossat hj・rta en v・g som forts・tter fram・t En fallande stj・rna  Up in the sky in the universe I fly around the earth Out in the sea of stars Wandering in dream orbit I want to know Do you know?  Arrival of the space age Victim of the human race I'm here watching you As the world goes around before it fades Like a dream  I want to run in the field again Through the grass of green in the rain Hear the song of the birds and the bees Like the spaceman who returned to Planet Earth I believe

floating pupa

marimo.pupapupa原田知世高田漣今日も雨降り プラットホーム 水たまりには 逆さまの街  Monday 月がにじむ Tuesday 生きているよ Wednesday マリモのように ah  あなたも駆け込む 最終電車 片寄せあった 僕らを乗せて  Thursday 丸くなって Friday 水の底で Saturday マリモのように ah  グッバイデイ グッバイデイ グッバイグッデイ デイ グッバイグッデイ デイ グッバイグッデイ  Sunday また明日がくる Monday 月が揺れる All day マリモのように ah  グッバイデイ グッバイデイ デイバイデイ グッバイグッデイ デイ グッバイグッデイ  グッバイグッデイズ グッバイグッデイズ
Sunny Day Bluepupapupa高橋幸宏・天辰京子堀江博久Oh I love such a sunny day When the sun is bright,I feel I could fly to you But I don't know what I want to do  Oh I love such a gentle wind Smells so sweet in love,it's bittersweet like you Tell me what I want on such a lovely day?  The air is filled with the happiness And the sky's too blue it makes me feel so blue And I don't know what you want to do  Oh I love,what a beautiful day I can almost do most anything for you Tell me what you want on such a lovely day?  River runs through everything we have seen River runs through everything we have been River runs through everything I know  Somewhere down the river we'll be free Somewhere along the river I will be….
New Orderpupapupa原田知世権藤知彦・高橋幸宏そよぐ風が 僕を呼び 旅立ちだと 囁いて消えた まばゆい光 浴びながら 歩き出そう 扉を開いて  さよならだよ それは暫しの はじまりだよ それは全ての 耳を澄まして 瞳開いて 何が聞こえるだろう 何が見えるんだろう  深い眠りから 目覚めるように この世界も広がっていくよ 僕は何時から ここにいたんだろう 僕は何処へ 向かっていくんだろう  羽を休めた 鳥たちは 風を読んで 空へ飛び立った 北の星は 瞬いて 迷わぬように 導いてくれた  さよならだよ それは暫しの はじまりだよ それは全ての 耳を澄まして 瞳開いて 何が聞こえるだろう 何が見えるんだろう そよぐ風が 僕を呼び 旅立ちだと 囁いて消えた まばゆい光 浴びながら 歩き出そう 扉を開いて
Home Of My Heartpupapupa高橋幸宏・天辰京子高橋幸宏I walked to the distant shore so far from my home I traveled through dream on my own How restless my heartbeat is,I drift in the air I throught it would carry me there  How long have I walked on this tumbledown road? I've come to my autumn of life Like changes of season,my heart goes astray I thought I was lost on my way  But today when I saw you Down by this broken road I know I will lay my heart beside you  And some day I'll reach you Somewhere by the winding road And finally I'll lay my heart down  I've come to the distant shore on the train of my thouhgt It runs through the field of my dream I've come to the start of the end of this road Beside you is where I would be  But today when I saw you Down by this broken road I know I will lay my heart beside you  And some day I'll be there Somewhere by the winding road And finally I'll lay my heart down  Just when I saw you Down by this broken road I wish you would wait there for me  Cause one day I'll be there Down by this winding road You were that home of my heart




  1. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  4. はいよろこんで
  5. Blissful



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

