Runny Noize「We are Runny Noize」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
SuccessorRunny NoizeRunny Noize洲崎貴郁洲崎貴郁Runny NoizeI can't stand it anymore with stupid guys We live on our way so please shut your mouth and just wait  Too many people misunderstanding You'll find out soon  Whatever I don't care if you like me or not But I don't like you because your breath smells very bad  Oh no, I don't like to do normal way At first let's change yourself No one can replacing us  We are everything to the World Child crying somewhere We are everything to the World I had headach coming on  He doesn't realize everybody think he's a wiseguy You don't need care even if you don't have any friends Their noise counts for little Just focus on your sounds Let's make our music Get with the wave of sounds  Oh no, I don't like to do normal way At first, let's change yourself No one can replacing us  We are everything to the World Child crying somewhere We are everything to the World I had headach coming on  I know you are a wolf in sheep's clothing You know we're Successor No one can replacing us  We are everything to the World Child crying somewhere We are everything to the World Riot broke out somewhere  We are everything to the World We are everything to the World  Everybody say“Everything is gonna be alright” What the fxxk is that words!? Don't let me down I will take you anywhere with your sounds
Unsung HeroRunny NoizeRunny Noize洲崎貴郁洲崎貴郁Runny NoizeEveryone wants to be a hero But nobody knows the way I'm stuck How can I make myself more stronger? You told me“Let bygones be bygones” but I think it's not simple Don't lump me together with your stupid generation  You could've given up bit more twist No matter how hard I ask you out You don't know about me even who I am  Stupid is as stupid does But I think it's in a good way Tell me why don't you come back here Stupid is as stupid does But I think it's in a good way Tell me what should I do for you Don't fxxk around  You don't need have to be a hero or you'll disgrace, like me I'm sick How can I make myself more perfect? You told me“We are depending on you” but I think it's your liying Don't lump me together with your stupid generation  You could've given up bit more twist No matter how hard I ask you out You don't know about me even my feeling  Stupid is as stupid does But I think it's in a good way Tell me why don't you come back here Stupid is as stupid does But I think it's in a good way Tell me what should I do for you Don't fxxk around  Stupid is as stupid does But I think it's in a good way Tell me why don't you come back here Stupid is as stupid does But I think it's in a good way Tell me what should I do for you Don't fxxk around  Not everyone can be a hero But everyone can be a hero I think it's in a good way Let's fxxk around
Runny NoseRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Runny NoizeOne day I dream that I'm on a date We think of each other everyday She got a new beautiful glow Don't stare me with that cute eyes  What time do you wanna meet wanna walk or not? What kind of movie do you wanna see, a horror or not? She sometime spoiles to me You're my type That's ok Let's go  My buddy worries about me Open your eyes! Hey hurry she wanna go out on a date for real (Out of mind) Oh my darlin I didn't know that You're waiting for me  I asked her out I need outfits I'm madly in love with you  I know the miracle I'm hanging out with a girl shopping mall Take me anywhere Brand new days  I know I misfit I'm barking mad cause a girl held my hand She's staring at me with a smile “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose”  Gunshot I felt the wind knocked out of me This is not the date I had in mind It's more than I can stand Damn I also got a toothache  Everytime I like someone, Things go wrong In those cases I'm deciding to sing a song So I'm back in dream again It's my life That's Ok Let's go  My buddy worries about me Don't mind about it Hey hurry she wanna go on a date with you again (Out of mind) Oh god I thought you hate me This isn't a dream  I asked her out I need tissue I'm crazy in love with you  I know the miracle I'm hanging out with a girl shopping mall Take me anywhere Brand new days  I know I misfit I'm barking mad cause a girl held my hand She's staring at me with a smile  I know the miserable I'm hanging out with a girl in my head That word is stuck to my brain “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose”  “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose”  Who's got a Runny Nose “You got a Runny Nose” Who's got a Runny Nose “You got a Runny Nose” I got a fxxkin Runny Nose
Nine Deadly SinsRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Runny NoizeBullshit I got a problem Because I have so many things to do.  “Pride” (Don't say that) “Greed” (Don't say that) “Wrath” (Don't say that) “Envy” (Please don't say that)  I'm too embarrassed to see myself  I don't wanna be somebody's pets (Stuck to my guns) What's the point of playing this ridiculous game? Everyday everytime everybody says “You're cool. Hey don't hang up anymore”  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  OK Im back from hell Because I have no time to suffer  “Lust” (It's over) “Sloth” (It's over) “Gluttony” (It's over) “Gloom” (What a bother)  I just want people to appreciate  Never say never put off till tomorrow (Give me a break) I wanna lay down and eat many cakes Everyday everytime everybody says “You're a fool. Hey don't hang out anymore”  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  Turn round and round like merry go round Troubles flying around my head Turn round and round like merry go round Troubles from Nine Deadly Sins  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  “SLEEP”
The Plan to be poorRunny NoizeRunny Noize洲崎貴郁洲崎貴郁Today, they made fun of me again I can't stand it anymore but I'm weak that's why I couldn't say anything to the jerks  I'm irritated with myself Please get me out of this slump I hate going to the school but jerks enjoy bullying me  Today, they made fun of me again I can't stand it anymore I tried to do something but they're fxxking big I'm still weak after all  I'm irritated with myself Please get me out of this slump but I don't wanna depend on the blue raccoon dog anymore  I got caught in the crossfire but I will give the jerks tit for tat I'm a disgrace to the school It's my crappy song!  You never know what I'm gonna do if I get pissed off I'm not like what I used to be now so you will find out soon  I won't fail her this time I don't want her to dislike me but I don't wanna depend on the blue raccoon dog anymore  I got caught in the crossfire but I will give the jerks tit for tat I'm a disgrace to the school It's my crappy song!  I got caught in the crossfire but I will give the jerks tit for tat I'm a disgrace to the school It's my crappy song!  I will give the jerks tit for tat I'm a disgrace to the school It's my crappy song!
Bunny <Album version>Runny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Yeah Thank you for everything that you have done for me I've never be happier  Oh yeah What the hell he tells good jokes Cracks me up That's funny I forgot to laugh  My bro Bright happy faces I'm excited about seeing him Oh no Don't tell me you don't remember anything  Thanks got I'll never forget that day Go ahead laugh it up Why not Let me remind you about high school life  Everybody jump Upside down I got something else on my mind I had just about enough of you Fly again  Everybody jump Upside down I got something else on my mind I had just about enough of you  Yeah fxxk you for everything that you have done for me Don't let it go to your head  Oh yeah Go to hell if you don't lend back thing Drive me mad Give me back my uniform  I know it's all my fault Why did I believe in you Oh no Why do you keep making excuse?  Don't you know the stress I'm under feeling sucks back my home Why not I don't think I should see you anymore  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you Fly again  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you You are bastard  Everybody jump Upside down I got something else on my mind I had just about enough of you You are bastard  Everybody says “There he goes again You'd better ignore such a stupid He has a nervous fxxkin break down”
This isRunny NoizeRunny Noize洲崎貴郁洲崎貴郁Runny NoizeThis is my life and This is my home I don't wanna leave here tonight Wake up your feelings, Wake up your hearts Wanna hear your voice again  This is my world I completely thought like this To live is just like step on the rhythm  Hello, newcomer I will show you, How is my crap world Keep your shoes on  Don't forget Life is too short Don't forget Find your way Don't give up I know, wanna quit over and over So what I've really got to treasure now Is the time remaining to me And time just passes  This is my life and This is my home I don't wanna leave here tonight Wake up your feelings, Wake up your hearts Wanna hear your voice again  That is your pain That is your tears why don't you take my hands Broaden your world I just wanna see your smile again  I know feels like began dimly to understand To die is just like change the channel  Good bye to me who decided not to complain I woke up to my weakness  Don't forget Life is too short Don't forget Find your way Don't give up I know, wanna quit over and over So what I've really got to treasure now Is the time remaining to me And time just passes  This is my life and This is my home I don't wanna leave here tonight Wake up your feelings, Wake up your hearts Wanna hear your voice again  That is your pain That is your tears why don't you take my hands Broaden your world I just wanna see your smile again  Is this your way? Is this your eyes? Is this your voice? Where is your love? This is my color This is my voice And this is me So, what you say?  This is my life and This is my home I don't wanna leave here tonight Wake up your feelings, Wake up your hearts Wanna hear your voice again  That is your pain That is your tears why don't you take my hands Broaden your world I just wanna see your smile again  This is my life and This is my home I don't wanna leave here tonight Wake up your feelings, Wake up your hearts Wanna hear your voice again  That is your pain That is your tears why don't you take my hands Broaden your world I just wanna see your smile again


  1. Blissful
  2. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  3. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  4. iLY
  5. がらくた



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

