Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas「Cocoon for the Golden Future」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Get Back the HopeFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasI'm honestly fed up I'm sick of the days waiting yah It's all because of the shit ruined our lives Being unable to meet people Craving for in-person communication Heart grows fonder as we are waiting  Never will they disappear They would be always sticking around us Even if all was virtual Though this is the real world today  The days and times we have spent unable to be on the stage made us feel this was this was an unreal world  Though I waited Lost lots of things that were always there Realizing how meaningful things were to us oh-oh-oh The hope and faith that is born by facing and understanding Take back that was Take back that was ours  Yeah We can't really shack our own legs and hands can we? But somehow we it's like we actually we actually are Tear it off ×9 Move  Don't need to make a stop [make a stop] Just keep running You don't have to stop to think it through  Though I waited Lost lots of things that were always there Realizing how meaningful things were to us oh-oh-oh The hope and faith that is born by facing and understanding Take back that was Take back that was ours  The place we were really waiting for Let us all feel right here with you
Evolve Forward in HazardFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasLet us get up toughly even if the world is breaking down Keep evolving and survive No matter how bad the world breaks down There is always a path as long as you do not break down but stand up  We've written lyrics saying “Let us live strongly because we never know what will happen”  Wine poured in the ocean can't be taken back Broken things can't be recovered Entropy (and) anxiety keeps growing  Money, work, family, lover, etc What lacks depends on people Because we are going through tough times [It's time to know what's important]  Now get up to live and survive What is the most important thing What did we do to fight the world Think it through Think it through There is always a path as long as you do not break down and fall down  And keep the will (that is) deep down in your heart  A glass that has broken into pieces cannot be put back into one  If it's just a piece of junk get rid of it ×2 If it can't be put back together, pe pe pe pe pe pe pe- then it's just trash ×2 Wake up if you wanna keep going  Find something that will get it on [That will get it on] If you will keep running tomorrow and on that will become your pike [will become your pike] Get out from the maze and go forward
Shape of TrustFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasWhat did you gain What did you lose By looking for someone's real self For yourself or the love of the person Chasing to find fault of (the) person  Oh We all have various faces various faces At work, on, off duty, and so on  That's common sense Being nosy Knowing too much was just a self-fulfilling prophecy It all ain't for the sake of that person  Just take it in People being multi-faceted impossible to know x4 Just believe the face that you see in front It is nonsense to peek into others  Looking for the shape of Looking for the shape of real trust Wanna believe wanna hope that is true Is that person real?  Is it a true one Trust all the smiles you witness and take em in and take em in and take em in  Yeah ah Not just looking (at) others but look at (the) various faces you have There may be (a) basic line of yourself but all faces are real yeah More or less they all should be...  self-pluralism self-complexity self-consistency self-concept clarity working self-concept, dynamic self-concept working self-concept, dynamic self-concept working self-concept  Social selves, phenomenal selves, hierarchy of selves Though it may seem iridescent and uncertain The light of the person's color is leaking Which makes the person attractive  There is no way to fully find out who you really are but that is ok That's not the place you will really find the real nature of trust The feelings you give me The feelings of trying to answer to the trust Let me believe in it To find what trust really is

Ain't That So Awesome

One Shot, One MindFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasLet's step forward To the committed stage Sweat and cheer pushes your back to the field The tough days All of them were not a waste As the light from the back-net lights you up now  Get it all out What you have built till this moment Don't you rush as you strongly burn your fighting spirit to the highest point Be positive as you accomplish (the) goal you have set ah  The tough days and times we all… What I see in the sky is the sun and white ball At no time will I forget all the moves I have gained from those days trying hard  The bottom of ninth (inning) Two outs Bases loaded Remembering ×2 the catch ball Remembering the catch ball Tonight shaking my head and hitting (the) rosin One shot, one mind ×2 beat them down  Get it all out What you have built till this moment Just feel the sensation you have sharpened Hit it as you break the best record in your history Raise your self-esteem and close your eyes ah  Standing up today with eyes burning That's how you should be It's another start ×4 Power


Tear DownFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasBored from the bottom of my heart The same moves all over Those times you could somehow slip through is ancient times Feeling at ease cuz it's just the way how it used to be? Now Who is the brain freeze man?  Cuz at one time, [the teacher said] so Cuz at one time, [he or she] said so At one time, I was given the evil eye [evil eye] Cuz at one time, [the teacher said] so Cuz at one time, [he or she] said so At one time, I was given the evil eye given the evil eye So rather just stick around with how things are now? Ain't that just telling yourself things are working out just fine? They were just saying safe things trying to be cool [Being pushed away from the evil eyes] [Hey look at yourself yeah] stuck in the booby trap  Scared to make mistakes But isn't it fun to tear them down? This is a team tryout test fallen from the clouds [Poised to strike on stage yeah]  You'll fail if you try and also lose face but if you carefully shake off the fears one by one, then the “real" ones will be waiting for you ah beyond your adventure Bored from the bottom of my heart The same moves all over Just punch yourself Make your temples twitch Stop playing it safe Stop playing it safe [Show it right now on this stage] will crush you down Now just get going pow pow po pow pow pow po pow pow pow pow po po pow  Nothing was gained from the shows without exploring Continue to fight Beat Thrill Win your new self It is all about It is all about this conflict over and over Carefully but surely  Tear down the fear and explore You can gain from your failure It doesn't matter if people laugh at you Try again though you may look shameful Just stop playing it safe right now I'd say Just stop playing it safe  Yeah Staying on the safe side is like a slow-acting poison it's too late when you find out The lame [ones] won't [even] be laughe[d at] The mea[ning of] yourself [being] real [will] appear [once] you stand [aga]inst it] [Just] stop [playing] it safe [right] now [Just] stop [playing it] safe right now
RepaintFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasA lot of people A number of words Packed with feelings everywhere Maybe the world is made from premises and confusion all (the) way Premises and mistakes (all) over  sticky or smooth, bitter or sweet; good and bad When you find what you can believe You will be a part of the taste  Taking things on faith Believing everything It is like letting the world taking a bite of your honesty Don't fear the premises and confusion all (the) way Don't leave your feelings behind let (it) out  Think like a human Compare it with your true feelings  Making mistakes and trying again Not this. Not that Monkey see, monkey do You want it You want it  [What] What will be the pillar of yourself [Find] Find what you can truly believe in  Taking things on faith Believing everything [It is like letting the world and all take a bite of your] honesty Don't fear the premises and [confusion all (the) way] [Just don't leave your feelings behind]  Just repaint all the premises in the world You will find You will find what is missing as you keep trying and to seek yah  [Trusting feelings] that keeps ringing  [inside you] The path will open if you persist  [That is the way] it has been done  [It's alright] You'll find it someday
Gas Will Blow You Away as Only Brakes is BoringFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasKeep hitting the gas 90 miles, 100 miles, more and more Scared by now? Keep hitting it Yup, yup, yup, keep going towards hell  Balance is what counts no matter what you do  Break through the guardrail and go upside down at the bottom of the canyon Break through the guardrail and go upside down at the bottom of the canyon  Brakes for gas Honesty for the flirty Reason for instincts The balances are functioning in us  The gap between the ideal balance The gap between…  It's always yourself that controls the conflict That sense of balance make a person's profile How do you want to be? do you want to be? And how do you always end up?  Just hitting the gas will blow you away easily yeah Just hitting the brakes is fuckin boring Keep making the ideal speed oh At times At times you can just tilt and push the envelope  Hitting the gas will blow you away easily yeah Just hitting the brakes is fuckin boring At times you can just [can just] tilt and [tilt and] push the [push the] envelope [envelope] Your sense of balance will attract people  Stop  That awesome guy [guy] who is full of hot air [air] Can't tell if it's true or [true] just a joke but [but] he's he's he's he's [he's] surrounded by smiles [smiles] Making our back stretch [stretch] when he makes serious faces [faces]  Depends on (the) balance [foolish, foolish, foolish] Stop being foolish [honest, honest, honest] Just be honest Just be honest [foolish, foolish, foolish] Stop being foolish [honest, honest]  There is nobody with only one side  Like the way he looks How you wanna be Can't change emotions easily but Be aware of the (tension) you keep tension you keep The interesting ones are enjoying themselves as well Make yourself that could enjoy yourselves Just be aware of the tension you keep  Who's talking inside [side] [side] Who's talking inside your head? Not an angel or devil There is no [no] [no] good or bad in the good or bad in the first place Alright! Brakes for gas [for gas] Honesty for the flirty Reason [Reason] for instincts Be at the wheel you know [the wheel] [Be at the wheel you know] To keep being [To keep being] To keep being who you wanna be
Trap by the NervousFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las Vegas要らないもの 気を取られるうちに 台詞は今も進む こだわりと執着との棲み分けを確かめる 明日を君のために  Can't move [Can't move] from the result [result] of being attached Left behind when you know [you know] As being dragged around [around] Things and people will change  変わりゆく世界 ただ流れてゆく とらわれたままの僕を置き去りに まだ怖いけれど届くようにと 光る自由 掴むその意味  Going back and forth like that Don't be touchy You will be dragged away by everything At times, get yourself straight 止めどなく揺らぐから Nobody will blame you even if you stand there watching with a cane in your hand Won't be shocked by anything  映り込む景色 ただ流れてゆく 心をただ空にして恐れない とらわれず見れた 美しいまま  Not that you were crucified It was you People can be free oh Just wanna value the views of your freed self  Even what's nailed in your palm will be gone with the weight on your shoulders oh Just wanna value the views of your freed self  この先の君は 移ろいゆく今をひた踊れ 淀みは 捨ててゆけ ひらりひらり自由なまま 強くなれる 僕ら
Luck Will Be ThereFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasWhere does happiness come from? It doesn't appear in front of people who wish for it all the time  We have gone through such a disaster that will be passed on from generation to generation as we live [We have found We have found light at last]  Now is the time to move on together with all of us We have gone around wo-o [gone around] As you were saving your power gazing at the future oh Wo-o-o-o-o-o-o [the future] Luck will be there [Luck will be there]  Find your way into it just like water A heart that can adapt anywhere  続く日常が ゆらいで 脆く 崩れた 時を 掬って 縫い合わす意思を 築く意味を そこに留めたら 幸運は届く 君の 元へと  Don't get crushed down by the unpredictable world We should be strong We should be strong by now  Just keep hanging tight with the strong eye Come and do Ready for anything  Always be open, take in, and adapt Don't get washed away and always keep thinking Always be open, take in, and adapt Don't get washed away Don't just stay there Face towards evolving just like a cocoon  Bring it out The times you spent thinking was never a waste It is time the hard work will pay off Luck will come for those that were preparing [It is time the hard work will pay off] [Luck will come to you] You should be where you want [You should be where you want]


  1. Charade
  2. INZM
  3. 透明になりたい
  4. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  5. 元彼女のみなさまへ



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

