Mori Calliope × Reol「JIGOKU 6」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
虚像のCarouselMori Calliope × ReolMori Calliope × ReolMori Calliope・Reol・Yuki TsujimuraYuki TsujimuraYuki Tsujimura・MEGLined up, one by one To play the soldiers of vain corporation 商談なら1on1 あたしらの言い値で即決  Are you entertained now? Let the karma rain down I can play Pierrot if it means I'll be the last clown Living in the twisted diorama that is industry Fail, and we're in the streets とびっきりをどうぞ!  今夜も変身君ら様様 一緒にあたしに夢見てよFreaker よそおう平気 Work Hard, Play Harder 君とだから全部 Let's Dig In  Mirror, Mirror Tell me again If it was fated that I made it, or a stroke of luck?  Louder, Clearer Just say that I'm enough You lie so well 一撃で虜  Hate to be the one to break the fairytale apart But the cautious optimism isn't what I'd label smart Drop dead, nobody cries stop now, and fall behind every idle beauty's got a beast inside her mind はいちゅーもく Clippings of a magazine of things you said but didn't mean It's reading like a ransom letter Full of stains you'll never clean Or wash away 滑稽ですね いかんせんそんなもんじゃない “人生”  背負っちゃった義務 ここらへんでギブ? マゾヒズム自作自演のショウビズ 僕が僕では無くなってく感覚 野次馬はいつも安全圏から叩く 責任もって商品棚の上 「好きです!」 横に流せ羨望嫉妬NOWAY 興味ねー とられない舵 上がっちゃう価値 乗れない誰かの土俵企み WTF  SOSあたしは誰 光が落とす影 Mirror, Mirror Louder, Clearer 死神だって神に祈って 夜毎営んだ理想業 Whether by destiny or miracle Oh!! You lie so well Mirror, Mirror ほんとのあたし Where is?  評論家連勤でお疲れ様 うちらだらだら仕事しないReaper 音に乗り込みWork hard, Play harder 喜ばせる前頭葉 あがっていくフロア Ya Breaking DADA 何度でもあたしがいれば圧巻 我ら肥えてる舌 上等な魂だけ寄越しな  ご覚悟!Digi Digi Da Good Job MIC CHECK 地獄から新登場 韻のアイドル 一等賞ビート上 広がる信仰心 一層のめり込む 魅了がお仕事  Cameras still follow the irrelevant You only gotta sell a bit You only gotta get out of your shell a bit And if you ever make it, better hope that you can take it With your soul as good as naked It's a living, or a curse to break?  “It's just business.”  Mirror, Mirror Tell me again If it was fated that I made it, or a stroke of luck?  Louder, Clearer Just say that I'm enough You lie so well 一撃で虜  Is this paradise or hell? I might be faking I hate it Might be loving living outta control Let the record spin on like a carousel Oh my god, it's a mad, mad world  It's a paradise 皆が見たい虚構お手の物先導しよう 儚いその眼差し奪って望むなら与えようFrom now on
未来島 ~Future Island~Mori CalliopeMori CalliopeKenmochi Hidefumi・Mori CalliopeKenmochi HidefumiKenmochi Hidefumi危険な海に浮かぶ島エッグヘッド 世界変える未来島のラボフェーズ  最高の頭脳 叶えるよ願望 未来のお宝さがしちゃお  天才 が引き起こす発想の奇跡 脳内 で終わらせない夢のファンタジー 世界 がひっくり返るテクノロジー 大体 叶えちゃうラボラトリー  正(シャカ) 悪(リリス) 想(エジソン) 知(ピタゴラス) 暴(アトラス) 欲(ヨーク) 6人のサテライト  湧きだすアイディア 止まらない 忙しすぎて 猫の手も借りたい  海も波も超えてゆく海賊王 常識変えてゆく発明王 そんな奴らに憧れてきた 次は誰が王になる?  無限の夢 未来の知恵 ひらめきを巻き起こせ エッグヘッド  無限の夢 未来の知恵 過去も世界も飛び越して  ベガパンク 生み出すよアイディア ベガパンク  ベガパンク 革命をここから ベガパンク  危険な海に浮かぶ島エッグヘッド 世界変える未来島のラボフェーズ  This mind is undefeated Until my goal's completed Let's keep on searching for the treasure of “to-come”  Genius A miracle idea, gotta set it free Mysterious Fantastic dreams are burning up inside of me Deliriously Turn the world around with new technology Here we come A laboratory cast upon the sea  Truth fades into Evil Then to Contents of Mind Right into Knowledge, Greed and Violence Six satellites  Ideas can't stop rushing out Stop thinking they might Could use a hand or two, I'm busy working into the night  The pirate king who braves the ocean while in search of elysian A ruler of invention that can modify all reason… Once watched in jealousy, no someday I've gotta be Next on the throne, I know what I've got to do  無限の夢 未来の知恵 ひらめきを巻き起こせ エッグヘッド  無限の夢 未来の知恵 過去も世界も飛び越して  ベガパンク 生み出すよアイディア ベガパンク  ベガパンク 革命をここから ベガパンク  言うこと聞かなきゃ振りかざす正義 世界守る軍団の大義 秘密巡る怪しいたくらみ 過去の記憶に隠された狂気  真実追う危険な遊戯 謎に満ちた理想の夢のエネルギー 天才が魅せる世界のカタチ どこへ向かう未来の島エッグヘッド
Black SheepMori CalliopeMori CalliopeMori CalliopeKoichi Tsutaya(agehasprings)・KOHD(agehasprings)Koichi Tsutaya(agehasprings)・KOHD(agehasprings)I am the picture of a perfect human every day an icon of god Not programmed to make any mistakes I am notorious for staying in my lane Cuz I got what's on the mannequin with no right to complain  Animosity is permanent, some days I can't get up If I showed a bit of weakness I don't think it would let up Numbers crushing me, pinning me down I will not let you see me frowning In reality, I'm drowning Someone save me now  この世界に全く意味ない 狂っちゃっていい Feeling like the pen's run out at last Living like a moth beneath the glass Ever just a slave unto my past I just laugh  If you retreat now, this life will never change Just like lyrics you' ve heard a thousand times Tired uninspired refrains Days on repeat cloud my mind Am I deranged? When I can hear that fractious anthem in my heart again... I swear I'm gonna break the chain  We're living in the upside down  Some call it “niche” Others call it just “unlikeable” But this here is an opera where actors are recyclable I'm breaking parole Stand out, I won't be controlled My hand is stronger than ever and yet I fold  No no no No time left for a fallen empress The void ahead is known as tall and endless Defenseless, expendable Pretend that I'm still dependable Told I don't belong near my own friends There's no end And nothings getting better So I'm thinking of pushing and pulling myself and seeing just how far I bend  この世界で生きたくない 死んじゃっていい Feeling like there's nothing left to write Living like I'm running out of time Ever losing sleep wondering why I can't die  逃げたら、人生は変わらない 何回聞いたことがある 歌詞が回ってる、永遠に I really need you now Though life may never change I want to scream how I feel until I'm gone Rising above the outrage Days of defeat, loses always stain the page So I'll create an undying anthem in my heart again... Tonight I'm gonna break the chain
six feet underMori CalliopeMori CalliopeMori Calliope・TKTKTKWhen I'm gone I hope it takes no thought at all To reminisce at our old photos, stuck to rotted wall Picturesque, full of lovely dreams I'd never wanna let ‘em know how the mighty would fall  Days at the start line, simple, fragile, frail Somehow the dark room washed out their every detail When did our hearts lose pulse and tip the scale?  Who was I back at the start? Young, foolish, idealistic Thinking I could take what was perfect and “fix it” Sinking even lower, life was good, now it's twisted Deals with the devil that I should have resisted  Watching, waiting Conscience fading  Romance-speak like “hopes and dreams” are just one Reality is made of many, I'm out-gunned  Watching, waiting My self-hating  Never figured why I was surprised to find Half-truths are an alibi for straight up lies  Now Feels like I'm singing six feet underground This heart is beating without any sound There are no second chances for me Nobody's likely to come back around Upon the ashes of what once grew here I'll plant a seed and depart by night fall Was I the hero no one believed? Was I the villain after all?  Innocent days are in distant hindsight And the imminent nostalgia, it hits and blind-sides me What remains couldn't match the dream Or explain how it all went so down-stream  Watching, waiting Conscience fading  More alone now than ever before A wretched god of a mess on a dusty castle floor  Watching, waiting My self-hating  Good to be the hate-sink, I can take the blame Collect power from the pointless pain  People wanna see the beauty where there is none In a world that doesn't compensate anyone Afraid of ugliness, they back away and run Look at me directly, we're not done Sometimes to do what's right You have got to fight Tooth and nail to Break rules and chase the light I can't stop the noise I can't sleep tonight Would you catch me here, need a sign?  Watching, waiting Conscience fading My self-hating Isolating  Shade 朽ちていく 理想の花 乾ききった 蜜の味 あの頃の ユートピアが 夢隠しに あったみたい どこまで行けるかな バラバラにされたヒーロー 輝きの暗闇に堕ちながら再生する  Jump, fall, stay alive Just wanna save a live Jump, fall, stay alive Just wanna save a live  Jump, fall, left behind Just give me one more try  Feeling less of a human like every day I've been losing A little more of me, I'm sorry But this beggar is choosin' To run away at the eleventh hour Living in infamy There is nothing left here for me There is nothing left dear to me Cuz I wanna escape it Nothing gets better until I make The decision to double it down And double triple the stakes I'm never giving in I'm invincible Nobody stand in my way I'm a criminal Unwinnable battles cover the city in Syllables In a silence so deafening Never be ever be anyone else  Brave 人が人を傷つけて 愛とか夢 着続けて Still dreaming you'll accept me Imperfect, in shambles, it hurts but I want you to smile
You're Not SpecialMori CalliopeMori CalliopeMori CalliopeTom-H@ck・RINZORINZOWhere to begin? In this wicked world There's a million others just like you.  You talk too much You're all out of touch 猿回しの猿になれない存在 You talk too much You're all out of touch 猿回しの猿になれない存在  Yeah It's anything goes When you're forced to create while advancing on tip-toes Actually worthless Got no purpose They'll replace you, deface all your work It's the point of “you'll never return from this” Learn from us No rebuilding the bridges that burned for us Getting superfluous, smiles and waves The praise in abundance to make sure you stay  So The story goes “you're the one” They'll remember Lie, call it “labors of love…” Why put in the effort?  Cuz you're not special None of us are Even those plagued by stardom Fade into dust Nothing matters Who the hell else should I be? A puppet, a pawn, if I fail I'm gone So everyone else can be happy  With no question, I fall in line Believing promises every time Soldier onward, spare me your honesty Cuz I know my place now  A washed out prophecy  Out of sight Out of mind We'll never see the same view Got so lost, So exhausted, but you can't give in  Catch on fire You're admired Forget the ones who saved you There's no bias, the noblest never win  So We close our eyes and pretend That this might mend Right, just a means to an end Why put up a fight, then?  Cuz you're not special None of us are Even those plagued by stardom Fade into dust Nothing matters How much more love can I spend? A puppet, a pawn, if I fail I'm gone So everyone fallen can ascend?  With no question, I fall in line And play my part so the chosen shine Persona non grata, better left out of the sun Cuz I know my place now  Those watching raise a glass To the bad news come to pass A million eyes demand an encore 'till the very last  Reach out to find my whereabouts, my own way Each moment passing is a debt I gotta pay  Now Just look me in the eyes It's time they realize The mountaintop means nothing 'f you don't gotta climb  Survive Want me on your front lines So you can have what's mine So you can take and when it's over, leave nothing behind  So The story goes “you're the one” They'll remember Lie, call it “labor of love…” Why put in the effort?  Cuz you're not special None of us are Even those plagued by stardom Fade into dust Nothing matters Who the hell else should I be? A puppet, a pawn, if I fail I'm gone So everyone else can be happy  With no question, I fall in line Believing promises every time Soldier onward, spare me your honesty Cuz I know my place now  A washed out prophecy
Left For Dead LullabyMori CalliopeMori CalliopeMori Calliope・teniwohateniwohateniwohaLed to rot in treachery Bury me in irony 愛の唄でおやすみよ  When I wake, I'm born again No one left to mourn my end Shout from the other side Sink me down below  How we've come So far away Since “red tomorrow, red today” In the ash of what remains Lies the demon no one could tame  Hollow smile Dull disguise Idle lies still idolized Amongst the dead, there is life Though sudden change cuts like a knife  Time seldom heals Your hell is all that's real  Lead you on pretty words and lies Some sort of comfort when you burn  Left for Dead Lullaby  Led to rot in treachery Bury me in irony 愛の唄でおやすみよ When I wake, I'm born again No one left to mourn my end Shout from the other side Sink me down below  Weak of heart, But sound of mind Friends I found, but left behind Speak of me like a ghost Vibrant memories color-blind Tragic words, last goodbyes On my soul like a faded watermark… Wistful wanting The narrative unwinds  ねえママ ぼくはどこで間違ったのかな Nee mama bokuwa dokode matigattanokana  もう落下して発火しちまえこのまま とっくにあの世は満杯  地獄百景  Downward spiral to where I belong…  うらみつらみねたみそねみドレミに変え 100万本のリイン“カーネーション”  Time never heals When hell is all that's real The walls are falling in on us, and yet Words like “regret” won't wet my lips There are moments I'd change if I could But searching for atonement does not ensure “good”  Left for Dead Lullaby  Led to rot in treachery Bury me in irony 愛の唄でおやすみよ  When I wake, I'm born again No one left to mourn my end Shout from the other side Sink me down below  Drifting deep, I realize No one expects me to rise  But in your selfish eyes Catch and let me go  When I wake, recall with dread She who he had left for dead Shout from the other side Sink me down below  When I wake, I'm born again No one left to mourn my end Shout from the other side Sink me down below  Finally reaping what I've sown  Bring us back to live again


  1. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  2. 透明になりたい
  3. Recipe
  4. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  5. I want tomorrow to come



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

