MONKEY MAJIK「BEST 2000-2005」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
5.30MONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIK君はコロコロと笑い新しいドレス見せた 明けてく空の真下でクルリと回り笑う  「もしも君が笑えない日は、私、君の前で踊るよ。 回り過ぎて転んだ時はニコリとして。」  この時はいつまで続くのだろう? 今だけは君のしぐさで笑う  僕は何も言わないで踊る君の絵を描いた あまり動き過ぎたからおかしな絵が出来たよ  「もしも君が笑えない日は、その絵を見て笑えば良いよ。 例え、私、いない時でもニコリとして。」  この時はいつまで続くのだろう? 今だけは君のしぐさで笑う  「似合わないね私にドレス、そこは笑うところじゃないよ。 でもさ、君が笑えるのならニコリとして。」  この時はいつまで続くのだろう? 今だけは君のしぐさで笑う フラフラと足がもつれた君を 抱き止めた僕もフラリと転び  ペコリとお辞儀
ガリレオMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise Plant・Misao UrushizakaMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantDown don't bring me down don't bring me down don't bring me, down 耳を塞いでた 知らぬが仏と Down don't bring me down don't bring me down don't bring me 僕らは 口塞ぐ トラブルは御免  「この星はどこまででも平らだよ」と言われていた 違うと教えてみりゃ 問いつめられ 石投られ don't bring me down don't bring me down 真実から目を背けないで  Down don't bring me down don't bring me down don't bring me down 耳を塞いでた 知らぬが仏と Down don't bring me down don't bring me down don't bring me down don't bring me 目を塞ぐ 現実は闇に  「この星はどこまででも平らだよ」と言われていた 違うと教えてみりゃ 閉じ込められ 裁判ざた don't bring me down don't bring me down 真実から目を背けないで  可愛いあの娘は食事の際にはパンくずをまき散らしていた 冗談のつもりが彼は目くじらたてながら青スジもたてる  現実は闇に、トラブルは御免 僕達は知らぬが仏と それでも誰かが、大切な人の事を悪く叩いたとしたら…
LilyMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard・Blaise・MisaoMaynard・Blaise誰かのためについた嘘なら、許されるような気がした どこかへ出掛ける約束も、叶えられずに甘えてた  昼過ぎのカフェの中 僕らだけ淋しげ  僕の顔を見ないで言葉を選びながら あなたでさえ嘘つきになる  Lily say goodbye I know I tried Baby say goodbye I know I do Lily say goodbye I know I feel Something calling me  誰かの為にした事なのに、どこかで誰か傷つけた 僕らは限られた時間で、せめて悲しみ避けていた  助手席に眠る花で喜ぶと信じた  二人だけの思い出を あなたは一つづつ なるだけキレイに話すけど  Lily say goodbye I know I tried Baby say goodbye I know I do Lily say goodbye I know I feel Something calling me  Lily say goodbye あの日の 夢は夜に咲いた せめて今やさしく ささやいて
Get startedMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantI took her out, it was a Friday night! I Never thought Never thought that it would be alright. If I changed it would it ever be the same I never write never write and so she never came. Don't ya know that nobody came yo! ooh!  That night we made out I couldn't help myself, looked in her eyes, in her eyes and told her how I felt. If I changed it, would it ever be the same? Well, that's behind me, gotta be so cruel to be kind. Won't you nevermind. Don't ya know ya gotta unwind  If you find somebody who is right. If you find you knew that it was right...  Cause Everybody wants to get started  I took her out it was another night, a different girl, different world, and it felt so nice. She said she loved me but I couldn't tell a lie. I turned around, turned around, and so I changed my mind. Yeah I changed my mind Man! That was the really wrong time. Yo!  If you find somebody who is right. If you find you knew that it was right...  Cause Everybody wants to get started
political believerMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantWhy do we find ourselves talkin' about All the things that make us weaker in this turning world I'm not horsing around so don't take this lightly baby Don't waste my time cause you waste my mind  I'm not a political believer, I don't have many words to say I'm not a human lee deceiver, I think I'm better than that ...Oh yeah I just wanna be your redeemer ...shalalalala lalalala Oh yeah I know I know that you're better than that alright so come on now  Why do we find ourselves talkin' about All the things that make us weaker in this turning world I'm not horsing around so don't take this lightly baby Don't waste my time cause you waste my mind I'm not a political believer, I don't have many words to say I'm not a human lee deceiver, I think I'm better than that ...Oh yeah I just wanna be your redeemer ...shalalalala lalalala Oh yeah I know I know that you're better than that alright so come on now  I know about the situation, I know scenarios will change I know about the situation, I know scenarios will change Let it ride  Some are hangin' high Some are hangin' low Some of us are hangin' on a wing.
waitMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise Plant・Misao UrushizakaMaynard Plant・Blaise Plant埃にまみれた赤毛は I get on my feet キャタピラ外れた戦車に I get on my feet again  武器さえ無くした戦士は I get on my feet 恋人抱く様にパズルのかけらを護る  As I touch the sky I get so high  wait wait 永久に輝け wait wait 忘れられても wait wait 永遠に輝け wait wait いつか会えたら…  ブリキの劇団は旅する I get on my feet 錆びついた小さな電車で話しながら  As I touch the sky I get so high  wait wait 永久に輝け wait wait 忘れられても wait wait 永遠に輝け wait wait いつか会えたら…  宴はいつか 終わりを告げる 何かを無くし
Wish IMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantWish I could find another way to change your ways Wish I could find another shaky wakin' moment Wish I could find another way to look at you so right Wish I could find another wakin' up like moment  I wanted to say that it wasn't right I wanted to say that it would be fine I wanted to say that it wasn't right Can you tell me?  Wish I could find another way to look at you so right Wish I could find another wakin' dreamin moment Wish I could find that everything would be real and so right Wish I should've would've could've gone back to that moment  Runnin on a can just like a mouse cause I can't have it You know I want Just to reach out and be touched Falling off the can you know I'll let you down I can't have it You know want it I'll just reach out and be touched Runnin on a can just like a mouse
靴の音MONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKtrade me for a pill that makes me drown and sleep at night dream of all the answers of the skies that's in your eyes  またねと手を振る 君の笑顔 見送る 僕はきっと昨日と同じ  靴の音のリズムいつも 人の波がかき消してく 振り返ればいくつも影 君がそこにいた気した  果てしない憧れや 期待とか息苦しさとか いつもこの胸に秘めて 変わらぬ道をまた行くよ  人混みでもすぐに見付けられる 何処に行くかまた迷うけれど  running but you can't you know it's up tomorrow  果てしない温もりや 願いとか心の傷とか いつもこの胸に秘めて いつもの道をまた行くよ  果てしない憧れや期待とか 気付いた答えを いつもこの足に込めて 変わらぬ道をまた行くよ
すぐちかくMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIK誰かに見られても i'ts ok はしゃいで転んでも i'ts ok 無邪気に笑う時も釣りが好きじゃなくても 近くに居るだけで i'ts ok  一人手探りでただあがき続けてた 怯えないように柔らかな手が触れる 心重ねて  絡めた指先握れば鮮やかに伝わるよ 思い出話にいつでも出てきてね どこにでもさぁ  君の髪香りが i'ts ok 歌はヘタクソでも i'ts ok 優しさくれる時も少しおねだりしても 近くにいるだけで i'ts ok  一人手探りであえぐように叫んでた 怯えないように柔らかな手が触れる 心のひだに  少しづつだけど確かなぬくもりを分け合うよ 思い出話にいつでも出てきてね どこにでもさぁ  絡めた指先握れば 鮮やかに伝わるよ 思い出話にいつでも出てきてね どこにでも 少しづつだけど確かなぬくもりを分け合うよ 思い出話にいつでも出てきてね どこにでも
I like popMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantI am a primate walking Psycho chimp talkin' Hangin' from branches yo! just to see you jumpin' Like a flea from tree to tree take a look at me I'm dishin' out the pop like its“ABC” A machine so lean and clean Make you believe you have never seen Obscene amounts of green the theme I mean is all I ever Wanted you to be... what? an... M. A. J . I. K. MONKEY  I'm feeling kinda lonely now got my pictures on the wall to make it so I get off yeah! said I'm lonely I may be kinda special now got my lonely little soul and I need no more I get on yeah get it on get on  Oh I know that sometimes are good enough Oh I know that sometimes are good enough for me  Get up just get up your hands up and clap why? Comin with the shika shikan you'll never know it with a grip Whip flip know to flip a script like the rizzos that make me Want to steal those, that make me wanna trip runnin hard But it's too late I tried to sit and talk but I messed up And shit I'm new kids on the block yo! shit what's up with That? barabapbapbap don't give me slack Runnin' cause I can and can you know I'll never stop  Feeling something that I cannot understand  Oh I know that sometimes are good enough Oh I know that sometimes are good enough for me
AlrightMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantDid you think that everything was gonna be alright Until ya came and saw me Ya better believe that When the sun came down  And did you think that everything was gonna be O.K. Until ya came and stopped me Ya better believe that When the sun came down  We were riding all alone everybody on the shore If you'd just reached out your hand  You found out You knew why You knew that everything was alright  You find out Ya knew why Everything was always up to me  Cause I never wanna make you feel so crazy baby You found out and now knew why
TonightMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard・Blaise PlantMaynard・Blaise PlantIt was just another day when we came home People were flippin and trippin catchin the train stoned Hal didn't even know why But these things were just gonna fly with him and Geebs Why don't ya just pump up the beats Yo like I said before I was high by ten It was me mayn and tax smokin in the den And Misao had knocked with Hiro who looked 2 cool So we decided we would party till the break of noon Graham was on his way like any other day With a bottle in his hand Ya know C Royal that is So we got some cups and we took some shots! Then we bebopped the microphone and juiced it up Do Do Do  Wait stop the beat a minute I got something to say Hey To much eminem has been in my head everyday No disrespect dawg its not like youre listening to this CD Im low class with a fat ass and I hang with M.O.N.K.E.Y. Why is it fun like this All day and all night all we do is practice And we'll never stop cause its the way it is! Yo Rob pass me a drink and spin the tune like this!  Keep it up Keep it ride Im living this feeling its making me so right Get it up Get it up I got this feeling its making me so right
カンパイMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise Plant・taxMaynard Plant・Blaise Plantこの人の波かわして その先の角を『さぁ』曲がって 目の前のUPSTAIRS上がって いつもの扉 開いて  Here I am! I'm gripping the sand in my hand, just a little time to take a break from the land. never negativity, girls walking beside me shaking all that ass that has told me I'm a little bit out of their league, They're cool! They're great! But I don't think that I could ever demonstrate hmmm? I need a sec just to think, shit! With all that bikini on I just wanna play with my“ding dong”! The bell rings on kids out of school looking for a ride to the swimming pool. Recalling sweethearts and broken hearts and everything that ever helped you know you're a man. On the telephone planning a game on the beach you bring the beers and I'll bring the reef I'm now thinking of bringing the memories back from the past, Graduation, orientation, initiation, multiplication of about 4-500 girls oh yeah!  Pop the hood of your ride, let's slide! And turn up the tunes real loud, and lay back cause it's...  この人の波かわして その先の角を『さぁ』曲がって 目の前のUPSTAIRS上がって いつもの扉 開いて  『カンパーイ!』) の合図で現実逃避 GLASSの音が鳴り響き…『そしてオレはそれを一気!!』 ケムリ“モクモク”お空のサンポ FLOORはご機嫌 FREEなTEMPO ふと我に返って周りを見ると左と右は腐れ縁 エンモタケナワ擦れば 決まっていつもこの雰囲気 『そしてオレはそれを一気!!』  1... 2... 3 and to the 4 Monkey Majik going platinum like ya've never seen before, I don't wanna say that it's all about me, but everyday in every way I can see me on the billboard Rockin' and boppin' movin' and groovin' to the music that's soothing that'll make ya jumpin' and stompin' until you're romancing whooo! Get some lemonade in you! Whooo! Whooo! Whooo!
all my life(PREMIUM BOX VERSION)MONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise Plant・Takuya KikuchiMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantAll my life I Know I'd end up here All my life I throught that you'd be near Once or twice I called to say I care But in the end you made it all so clear  I'm not gonna let you mind 'cause I'm o.k. Feelin' fine and things are goin' my way I'm not gonna let you mind. Are you o.k. 'Cause it's a friday night for me now everyday  She thought I'd never know So much well I gotta know She thought I'd never know Cheating is something for good She thought I'd never know So much well I gotta know She thought I'd never know Cheating is something for good  “All my life”are words so new to me Passing by an echoed memory Of the lies cleverly played on me Understand this is the way I feel  I always thought that it would be this way. I never worried 'bout no money or no bills to pay. Chillin' with homies and buddies cookin' a meal out on the drive-way. Everyday would be a Friday. Shake yo' body. Stoke up the bar-b. Building up the heat 'cause it's the last summer party. That was our way our day no not your day. And nothin' you can say could ever take it away. But when the sun goes down. I had to move on schmooze on. Brand new pair of shoes on. Who's on line one, call me back when I'm done. It's like I'm trying so hard I can't have any fun. Turn the radio on. I need my remedy. I wish it wasn't like this. To all the friends that I miss. And all the girls that I kissed.
One momentMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantTake me away for a moment Take me away if you don't mind We could just dance in the moonlight Until the morning shines  Remember the times we were singing Remember the knock on the door We were so loud getting busy But that was all before  Oh ooh! Why did ya fake it Here I go again Tell me tell me please, you know I'm begging you for more  Love had never made a difference Living in a lonely life  Ohh... No one has it worse than me (But)Ohh... Maybe it's supposed to be  Loving never made a difference so much as an essence that u and I never had a chance to go the distance Let's not be too hard on ourselves It's only been like 24 hrs but seems like we've been going for miles You know I love it and you love it too And every minute that we're together is telling me that I can only be true This isn't the first time I've had a little fling So take off your clothes cause I'll know that you're the real thing
Livin' in the sunMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard・Blaise・taxMaynard・BlaiseCatching all the answers waiting 探し求めてた あの日のボクの I knew that it would be the same  If I could just find another way 夢は色褪せて 二人の過去 If only we could make it change  and Did you know how we got there? あの事どうでもよくて 空を見上げて and Did you know how we changed  Don't you know somewhere ある意味で Don't you know somewhere Living in the sun Don't you know somewhere 今となれば because You and I will always be as one  足りない何かを For me like I wish they could you Ya Find another way to change 記憶重ねて Ohh 互いに描いた I wish I could ya know There's no one else who could be you 風は吹き抜ける  Did you know how we got there あの事どうでもよくて 空を見上げて and Did you know how we changed  Don't you know somewhere ある意味で Don't you know somewhere Living in the sun Don't you know somewhere 今となれば because You and I will always be as one
Waiting For The Right TimeMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantMaynard Plant・Blaise PlantAll I know is that nothing is for sure But I'm leaning on this empty hope That something clears this awful blur And me I'm tired of seeing past the truth It's 12 o'clock and nothing's changed Wishful thinking is overdue If now is the time then anytime is good Save me your rain checks for another year  Waiting for the right time Feeling empty as I could ever be My life is incomplete Maybe this is just right Had to take it an hour at a time This moment isn't mine Yet there's the smile that makes me happy coming home  Now I know that everything is for show I'm not leaning on this empty hope That I know for sure And if you're tired I'll help you understand What's good for me is not good for you You never had a clue If now is the time then anytime will do Save me your rain checks for another year  Waiting for the right time Feeling empty as I could ever be My life is incomplete Maybe this is just right Had to take it an hour at a time This moment isn't mine Yet there's the smile that makes me happy coming home  You and I were gonna take another step into the future We were gonna take an adventure take it to the unknown What ever became it's all the same And I don't wanna play these games no more 'Cause I won't let you down  Waiting for the right time Feeling empty as I could ever be My life is incomplete Maybe this is just right Had to take it an hour at a time This moment isn't mine Yet there's the smile that makes me happy coming home


  1. 嘘
  2. スーパースター
  3. 袴をはいた渡り鳥
  4. Blissful
  5. ばか



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

