曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
liberationFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLi don't need the infomation! i only need to ask you, just one question! don't you need me? if you really need my HELP , i don't care the time or situation let's hava conversation  ah  乗り遅れたバスのようだ 時間になれば待ってはくれない 廃屋に咲く花のようだ 都会の屋根で光も見えない  like A Second chAnce reincarnation you Better not hIde youR irritation hey, what's wrong? i just look into you eyes anD listen to your voice, tell you how i feel it's not an instruction!  ah  見えなくても想像なら 同じ事で笑い合えるさ  今自由に飛ぼうか 遠くまで行こうか 何も憂う事ない 世界へ ただ好きな事を 好きと言いたいだけの 小さいけど叶わない願いを  i can seE your faLsE imitAtioN! you don't have to wORry, Retaliation! concentration! did you lose your imaGination? you can rely on me anytime liberation!  今自由になろうよ 遠くまで行こうよ 何も悲しませない 笑えよ ただ好きな事を 好きと言いたいだけの 小さいけど叶わない願いよ  take Back Your future!
the EarthFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLwhen i met you, at the live house. 汗くさい闇の中しばらく目が合ってた oh second time, you were with some friends 言葉を交わしては時々目が合ってた  am i dying now? what a damn world! tell me why the earth is never shining now? i don't know why, but, you! need to fly away more higher.  noisy music,very silent. 張り紙だらけの壁に手をついてキスした 挨拶も感動も恋愛も鬱も性欲だって 同じように飢えてんだろ  am i wraping now? what a damn night! telL me why the earth is never shining now? bUt, i Can see that You! are IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDs!  but, im not shining yet, i knew it, but, now, you! are still my desire!  are you a diamond? what a damn world! tell me why, the earth is never shining now? i don't know why, but, you! need to fly away more higher!  the earth is never shining now. i don't know why, so you! need to fly away, like a fire!  but, i'll make it shine now, are you ready? hey, you! i'll take you away more higher!!
ARE U READY???FUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLdeforestation! “we are ready!” global warming! “we are ready!” rising sea level! “we are ready!” are you ready?!!!!  world unification! are you ready? the internet society! are you ready? suicide! death wish! are you ready? what are you thinking?  壊れそうになる 子供みたい i don't wanna die. この存在 このまま次第にめぐる時代 転がりたい 心が痛い  it's the time to think.... or die.  its the time to think.... “why you livin' here?” look around! and see it.... you can feel it.... it's everywhere........  壊れそうな星 空の死体 海の腐敗 この問題 守りたい the future of the world. 大地の願い please come inside. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!  world peace harmony! “we are all ready!” understanding! “we are all ready!” we make the music! “we are all ready!” REVOLUTION! “we are all ready!”
blueFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROL言葉にしよう 伝えたい想いを そして空はblue  分かりきった事を 口に出せなくて 待ってるだけの時は やけに長かった  何で伝えられない?と 一人泣き出して 後悔も悪くないと 少し逃げ出した  baby 今を焼き付けて baby i think of u baby 今がその胸に 届くまで  言葉の意図 伝えるその前に 何かチガウ 愛してみたけれど… 涙の色 伝えるよりもっと 微笑う空は blue  どうしようもない事を 「ありきたり」だって 君の目も見れずに 言っただけなんだ  byebye 今は届かない byebye im missing u byebye いつかその胸に 届くまで  こんな日は im like a PAPER BACK WRITER 選んだ言葉じゃ伝わらない 壊れてしまうのが凄く怖い その手その体 君の匂い  ここが痛いよ 言葉じゃない場所で 見上げた空 限りなく青い  「愛してる」と 伝えたその後の 今日の空は blue  いつものように blue
everydayFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLi eat something everyday. i wash something everyday. i come back here everyday. i go somewhere everyday.  it's the wonder IN MY LIFE, hey men!  i wear something everyday. it's not on purpose, anyway, why do i always do something,everyday? where do you come from......energy?  what do you think of me? hey men! say men!  why can't i stop the movement? woo  i love something everyday. i IMAGINE something in my head. i hate something in my head. i talk to someone in my head. i find a meaning in something everyday.  what does it mean? my life? amen!  why can't i stop the movement? woo  i lose something everyday. i get something everyday. i take something everyday. i forget something everyday.
88FUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLthe air is nasty! it's so dirty! baby... taste it with your friend, Teddy. it's too orDinArY. it will change our body. So we pay the money to the greedy company.  why is there no motion? where's the motivAtion? We lack thE Emotion. let's maKe a commotion!  we know what's wrong. we'll make it worse. its soon, its almost too late. fate! but, we don't know what we should do? what do we really want? hey now. we can't wait.  it's so silly! we see everything on the TV. it's already we talk at the party. it's a misery. and, we pay apathy for the sympathy!  the crime of nations. hide our caution. we lost our function. of mass extinction?  we know we've almost closed the door. we have to open a new gate, but, we don't know what we should do? what do we really need? hey now. we can't wait,  we Know whAt's wroNg. we'll make it worSe. its soon, its AlmoSt too late. fate! we know we've almost Closed the door. i'll knock on door number 88. and, i will know whaT i should do? what do we reallY love? hey now. we can't wait,
so afraidFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLi don't wanna see my face. it's makes me feel bad. i DON'T wanna hear my name. oh it's LETs ME DOWN.  why can't i get what i want? the reasons are so dark. when i'm egocentric, you stand by me. so close! i can't run away!  when i see your face, i'm so afraid! why you look at me now? i just see that you know everything! so i want to see it now! in your heart....  i don't wanna confess it! cuz you're waiting now. i don't wanna say sorry! cuz you're wating now.  there's no right or wrong. there's no bad or good. there's only you and me. you stand by my side. let me out of here!  when i see your face, i'm so afraid! PLEASE forgive ME now! i will never betray my conscience! cuz you look at me now! there's just my heart and my desire! can you see my heart? of course always you can see my tail. but, i'm not completely in your heart....
a day dreamFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROL青空と夢 浮かんでる、雲 人は心を 空に描く  PLEASE your love i need your love  目を閉じる  a day dream
snowFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROL最果て 最期 終わり 白いスモーク アイスが溶けたみたい 車の窓 ただずっと戸惑って揺れる ひらひらと揺れている 息と雪と空気と 感情  今年の暮れには、なんて 嘘になってちぎれてゆく  このままこの雪止まなければいい 全て隠してもう見えなければいい そして foo foo foo 過去を隠して このままこの雪止まなければいい  最近は何が君を笑わせた? 時は時に器用に流れる 観客のいない白いステージ ひとつ足跡つけて なんて僕の居場所 小さい  来年も続きがあるなら この嘘を繋いでゆく  このままこの雪止まなければいい 全て隠してもう見えなければいい そして foo foo foo 今を隠して このまま知らないふりでいればいい  don't stop the music, i'm screaming now don't stop! Are you crazy? i'm screaming now no one kNows what's happening under the sNow i wAnt to hide it all under the snow  このままこの雪止まなければいい 全てを白紙に歩き出せばイイ そして foo foo foo 明日を夢見て このままこの雪止まなければいい  yeah  雪はいつか溶けて、流れる 明日の朝には多分… i know.....
seasonFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLi don't wanna cry. but i'm so sad. its like the man, who had....scissor hands. the art doesn't make me sleepy now. it's hard to rest my eyes.  i don't wanna see you again now. your story sounds like a sick drum 'n' bass. be silent! the pounding in my head! just like Mr, rabbit....  i wanna leave it, hurry! so i walk out, n' i fall down. whoa everything change! just ANYthing. so i don'T like you now. I aM so lonEly. like A hide and seek.  i listen To the radio. chill out. this song is out of season. i don't wanna see you now. why did you forget this season?  she hAd no jacket to wear that night. so i could be with you Long enough. like a black and white photograph. i saw this scene so cLearly.  i wanna see my memories. so i walk out n' i fall down. i found it in my pocket, like a piece of gum! but, i can't see it. cuz the streets are smokey. like a lost notebook.  i just watch your TV show. chill out. this song is out of season. i don't wanna see you again. already you are out of season.  beautiful night! but, you can't find it in your memory. i remember it. so i'm still sad.  i listen to the radio. chill out. this song is out of season. i don't wanna see you now. you forgot. that's why it's my reason.... i just watch your TV show. chill out. this song is out of season. i don't wanna see you again. already you are out of season.  BEATUIFUL life! time goes by. seasons have to change.... But, ill never forget. it was lOve. i know You'll become a more beautiful GIRL. and you will forget about me....
FUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROL日暮れそうな はぐれそうな 壊れそうな 空で 風が今 連れて来ます 君に似た香り  ビルの谷間に埋り込んで 大きな風に舞う記憶の群れの 向こうの夕日は今日も 涙  失った想いに憧れたりするの 遠くの秋の香り 夕焼けに馴染んで紫に染まるの 遠く手を伸ばすよ  止まりそうな 動きそうな 渋滞の中で  開けた窓から見える海 ほんの少しの潮風が 傷の心に運んだものは 何か  傷ついた想いに憧れたりするの 遠く秋の空に あの頃の声に振り向いたりするの 遠く手を伸ばして  失った想いに憧れたりするの 遠く君の香り  君といた時に捕らわれたりするの 遠く雨の香り 思い出なんて意外に簡単ではないよ 遠く君がいるよ 遠くぼやけながら
long way awayFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLFUZZY CONTROLbaby, i could tell you, please don't cry. you are iN the middle. tiny baby, because, the way is sO long. it's not the time to give up. it's not the end. tiny baby, don't thRoW it away.... oh no....  baby, you can't choose where you come from. Even if you want to, nobody can choose their salf. but you can choose where you are Going. you are still In the middle. tiny babe, keep wAlking on your way.... it's so loNg.  long way away, i just Wanna say i like you.... day by day, you're always knOcking On my Door....  強く思い描く事で、逆に迷い、泣いてしまうけど、 不安で逃げたい気持ちと同じだけ、心が強がるなら、そうさ  long way away, i just want you to say yes.... day by day, i'm always wating by my door....


  1. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  2. 透明になりたい
  3. Recipe
  4. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  5. 元彼女のみなさまへ



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

