白鳥英美子「AMAZING GRACE」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
HEARTLAND白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Linda HenrickBrahms JohannesThe sun through the mist As soft as a kiss A warm morning breeze The silver leaves Wet with rain  The land that I love The land of my dreams The Heartland lives in memory Till I'm home again  The blue satin sky The scent of the pine The flight of a hawk A meadowlark's sweet refrain  The dusk on the hills The night calm and still The Heartland lives in memory Till I'm home again  The land that I love The land of my dreams The Heartland lives in memory Till I'm home again  The dusk on the hills The night calm and still The Heartland lives in memory Till I'm home again
FLOW MY TEARS白鳥英美子白鳥英美子DOWLAND JOHN(GB)TRADITIONALFlow, my tears, fall from your springs! Exiled for ever, let me mourne There nights black bird hir sad infamy sings There let me live forlorne  Downe, vaine lights, shine you no more! No nights are dark enough for those That in despaire their lost fortunes deplore Light doth but shame disclose  Never may my woes be relieved Since pity is fled And tears and sighs and groanes my weary dayes My weary dayes Of all joys have deprived  From the highest spire of contentment My fortune is throwne And feare and griefe and paine for my deserts For my deserts Are my hopes, since hope is gone  Hark! You shadowes that in darkness dwell Learne to contemne light Happie, happie they that in hell Feele not the worlds despite  Hark! You shadowes that in darkness dwell Learne to contemne light Happie, happie they that in hell Feele not the worlds despite
TINY SPARROW白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Elena Mezzetti・Paul stookey・Milton OkunElena Mezzetti・Paul stookey・Milton OkunCome all ye fair and tender ladies, Take warning how you court your men. They're like the stars on a summer's morning First they'll appear and then they're gone.   If I had known before I courted What all his lying could have done I'd have locked my heart in a box of golden And never would have courted none.   I wish I were a tiny sparrow And I had wings and I could fly. I'd fly away to my own true lover And all he'd ask I would deny.   Alas I'm not a tiny sparrow I have not wings nor can I fly And on this earth in grief and sorrow I am bound until I die.   Come all ye fair and tender ladies, Take warning how you court your men. They're like the stars on a summer's morning First they'll appear and then they're gone.
THE ROSE白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Linda HenrickGrieg Edvard HagerupWhen I was a lass my dear mother said to me My dear mother said to me 'Tis time you should know of the heartache love can bring Oh the heartache love can bring For love can be a flower Aye the sweetest one that grows The sweetest one that grows But love can cut you deep like the thorns of the rose The thorns of the rose  But then I grew up and I fell so much in love Yes I fell so much in love That soon I forgot what my mother told me of My dear mother told me of Then one day love was gone Like the rain my tears did flow Like rain my tears did flow For love cut through my heart like the horns of the rose The thorns of the rose  Now oh daughter mine All too soon the time has come All too soon the time has come I fear you will do what your mother dear has done What your mother dear has done For womankind is born To sorrow and to mourn And love can cut you deep like the thorns of the rose The thorns of the rose
THERE IS A SHIP白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Paul Stoookey・Peter Yarrow・Marry Travers・Milton OkunPaul Stoookey・Peter Yarrow・Marry Travers・Milton OkunThere is a ship and she sails the sea She's loaded deep as deep can be But not as deep as the love I'm in I know not if I sink or swim  Oh, love is gentle, and love is kind The sweetest flower when first it's new But love grows old and waxes cold And fades away like the mornin' dew   The water is wide, I can not get o'er Neither have I the wings to fly Give me a boat that can carry two And both shall row my love and I  There is a ship and she sails the sea She's loaded deep as deep can be But not as deep as the love I'm in I know not if I sink or swim
SYLVIE白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Kaoru Wakanaイギリス民謡As Sylvie was walking down by the riverside And looking so sadly upon its swift tide And looking so sadly And looking so sadly And looking so sadly upon its swift tide  She thought of the lover that left her in pride On the banks of the meadow She sat down and cried On the banks of the meadow On the banks of the meadow On the banks of the meadow She sat down and cried  And there she sat crying When her young man came by And he said “My dear jewel, What makes you to cry?” And she said
LITTLE PUPPET白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Linda HenrickVerdi GiuseppePoor little puppet on a string Goin' through the motions As you dance and sing Poor little puppet feeling blue For your heart's been broken Like a toy balloon Life is full of heartaches Very sad but true But long as there is music Playing just for you  Laugh, puppet, laugh And the whole world will laugh with you Cry, puppet, cry And you find you cry all alone Now yesterday's gone Tomorrow's yet to come So dance, laugh and be gay Oh little puppet, live for today  Live for today, Live for today  Laugh, puppet, laugh And the whole world will laugh with you Cry, puppet, cry And you find you cry all alone Now yesterday's gone Tomorrow's yet to come So dance, laugh and be gay Oh little puppet, live for today  Laugh, puppet, laugh And the whole world will laugh with you Cry, puppet, cry And you find you cry all alone The world is a stage And life's a masquerade So dance, dance while you may Oh little puppet, live for today  Laugh, puppet, laugh And the whole world will laugh with you Cry, puppet, cry And you find you cry all alone Now yesterday's gone Tomorrow's yet to come So dance, laugh and be gay Oh little puppet, live for today
NORWEGIAN WOOD白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Johon Lennnon・Paul McCartneyJohon Lennnon・Paul McCartneyI once had a girl Or should I say, she once had me?  She showed me her room Isn't it good, Norwegian wood?  She asked me to stay And she told me to sit anywhere So I looked around And I noticed there wasn't a chair  I sat on a rug biding my time Drinking her wine  We talked until two And then she said It's time for bed  She told me she worked in the morning And she started to laugh I told her I didn't And crawled off to sleep in the bath  And when I awoke I was alone This bird has flown  So I lit a fire Isn't it good Norwegian wood?
IF THE WORLD HAD A SONG白鳥英美子白鳥英美子Linda Henrick梅垣達志If the world had a song of love Everybody could sing Just imagine the joy That the music would bring We could sing of peace In sweet harmony If the world had a song With enough love for everyone  Love can light a spark Touch a heart There is no greater power So when you hear a song Sing along Love makes the world go round  If the world had a song of love (sing a song of love) Everybody could sing (hand) Just imagine the joy (in hand) That the music would bring (joy the music would bring) We could sing of peace (sing of peace) In sweet harmony (in harmony) If the world had a song (with enough) With enough love for everyone (love for everyone)  No it's not too late Give and take We can still live as friends So let the song begin Sing and then Love will be born again  If the world had a song of love (sing a song of love) Everybody could sing (hand) Just imagine the joy (in hand) That the music would bring (joy the music would bring) We could sing of peace (sing of peace) In sweet harmony (in harmony) If the world had a song (with enough) With enough love for everyone (love for everyone)
アメイジング・グレイス白鳥英美子白鳥英美子TraditionalTraditionalAmazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see.  T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed.  Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. T'is Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home.  When we've been there ten thousands years bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise than when we've first begun.  Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see.


  1. My Tears
  2. I'll be there
  3. 24時間の神話
  4. 碧い瞳のエリス
  5. HBD (This is your day!)



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

