Photon Maiden「4 phenomena」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
We never stopPhoton MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)彦田元気(Hifumi,inc.)彦田元気(Hifumi,inc.)I heard the birth It's time to do my part I will be there to guide you Sometimes harsh, sometimes gentle, loving There is always light after the darkness The rain will fall on this newborn planet The seed will sprout  We never stop singin' We never stop thinkin' We're with you, so you don't have to worry About a new page in your journey We never stop givin' We never stop lovin' The flowers blooming all over the place The sun is shining brightly on your face  Oh, oh...  嵐の海を渡る 荒れ狂う風に 帆を上げ 立ち向かって 雷 きみは耐える 遥かな地平を目指し まっすぐ  We never stop playin' We never stop prayin' We're with you, so you don't have to worry About a new page in your journey We never stop feelin' We never stop dreamin' The flowers blooming all over the place You're standing in the middle of it  Oh, oh...  We never stop singin' We never stop thinkin' We're with you, so you don't have to worry About a new page in your journey We never stop givin' We never stop lovin' The flowers blooming all over the place The sun is shining brightly on your face
A lot of lifePhoton MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平fu_mouYou sometimes feel loneliness? Despite being surrounded by people Such a life, it is only us The reason why we interact with others  同じときを 分け合って 愁いを消した (ほら、ごらん)  The universe is made of light It never fades all day all night 営みがいくつも重なり合い星は生きる きっと The universe is made of light A lot of life is shining brightly white 悲しみを超えていくのが 世界なんだ   We can't understand each other Maybe at least not completely Cause the body has a border Can't become one, even if we can touch  ひとは孤独 持ち寄って 未来を紡いだ (ほら、ごらん)  The universe is made of light It never fades all day all night それぞれが小さな弱く儚い輝きでも きっと The universe is made of light A lot of life is shining brightly white 寂しいから手を繋ぐのが 世界なんだ  誰かの痛みも ah (祈りも 笑顔も) 繋いだら、
“What” are you?Photon MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平fu_mou広大 いのちの星に 一点煌めいたの 見たでしょ?  それは例外的存在との邂逅 瞳逸らせない熱源 胸の奥 痛いくらいキミが弾けた  "What" are you? ねえ なぜ キミをみると ねえ なぜ 指先 熱いの エラーは深刻なほどよ こんなに触れたい 触れたいだなんて 不思議ね ah  そうだ 眠ったあいだに 海馬 記憶を書き換えたり  キミを飛べるようにして ここへ光で誘ってみたり どうしたら 何をすればキミに会えるの  "What" are you? ねえ なぜ キミをみると 私 人間みたいね エラーは深刻なほどよ こんなに知りたい 知りたいだなんて キミが変えた  どんな仮定も 必要なのは たぶんそう… 観測者では 意味がないのよ ここからは未知の世界  "What" are you? ねえ 今 キミを呼ぶわ ねえ ほら 指先 熱いの エラーは深刻なほどよ キミが振り向くなんて Hello, I know you
Wonder Wonder TripPhoton MaidenPhoton MaidenPA-NON(Hifumi,inc.)Rasmus Faber衝動はいつでも正解 スカイブルーの世界 降り立つ途端はじまる Wonder trip  東京で空中散歩 上海でショッピング タワーブリッジ 見上げるカフェで お茶しましょ  乱反射する 無数のGlitters 寄り添う 恋人 想像の域をまだ超えない いつか私も出会えるかな  (Wonder wonder trip The party goes on Wonder wonder trip The party goes on)  I wanna fall in love love love Where you are 曖昧で未知な A like a star I wanna fall in love love love Show me now 会いたい素直に Open my heart 「見つけ合いたいの」 I wanna fall in love love love Tell me now 愛とは何かを 教えて (Wonder wonder trip The party goes on Wonder wonder trip The party goes on) I wanna fall in love love love Where you are  恋愛はもれなく難解 思考停止 何回? 謎解き明かしたいのよ Wonder trip  微笑んでいるのは何故 ルーブルの絵画 自由の女神は誰を 想うのだろう  交差してる 多彩なFeeling 綴る 物語 幾万年も前から きっとそう この星を回すのは愛だと  愛だけ、と I know  (Wonder wonder trip The party goes on Wonder wonder trip The party goes on)  I wanna fall in love love love Where you are 静寂はやめて Only my star I wanna fall in love love love Show me now 明白なほどに Open your heart 「見つめ合いたいの」 I wanna fall in love love love Tell me now 愛を知るときを 夢見て (Wonder wonder trip The party goes on Wonder wonder trip The party goes on) I wanna fall in love love love Where you are
暁 (fruits Mix V2)Photon MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平fu_mou星を探す瞳が好き 雲の裏に滲んだ月 こぼした大粒の光 夜を晴らせばいい  銀河を渡るように 君の心へ通いたい 百の言葉百の祈り 一つだけ届けたい  そっとそっと暁に 大地芽吹く瞬間が  恋しいの恋しくて つぶやく会いたい 軋むみたいな寂寥 息をひそめて待つ 君という朝の訪れ 遠い遠い遠過ぎて  生まれたての愛に 怯む幼さ教えたい 宇宙の片隅の祈り 一つだけ捧げたい  そっとそっと暁の 仄明かり満ちる頃  そっとそっと暁に 大地ひたる瞬間が  恋しいの恋しくて つぶやく会いたい 冷たい夜のその先 握りしめてたのは 暁の中ただ八文字 そばにいてほしい
Photon MaidenPhoton MaidenPA-NON(Hifumi,inc.)fu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)ららら… 無機質な空 打ちあがる花火 次々 咲いては散り行く 一瞬のまぼろし ふいに涙がこぼれた 銀河の片隅 役割を終えた星の 繰り返し 記憶に縫い付けられた 残像  それは 綺麗な光 きらり 切ないほど 光り 笑うように ふっと 消えた  人も星も儚いから こんなに 美しいのでしょう 現在も過去も 同じものは ひとつも無いの 夜風運ぶ夏の匂い 遠のく歓声 哀しみさえも溶かしながら揺れる 残響  ここは 優しい世界 もしも 消えたとしてもずっと 胸では咲いてる 光よ  それは 綺麗な光 きらり 切ないほど 光り 次の宇宙(ばしょ)へと 旅立つ  ららら… 光
G.A.M.E.Photon MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)Our new story Our new glory  What to do next Where we go next Don't have time to slack off I'm excited Every moment Not leaving you But we keep changing So don't miss us Don't get left behind  “You are lucky” “You have a gift” Some people say, some people say What do you know about me? No, no Everything so far A lot of hurt, a lot of strength, a lot of sadness We got through them, got through them The things that make us who we are  We can't lose the game One step ahead of everyone else Eyes shine like a flame That never goes out Never We can't lose the game Wipe up the blood, sweat and tears and move on Win again and again We're the only winner This is who we are  Our new story Our new glory  It's just the beginning We have a long way to go Every moment Ah, believe we can change the world with our songs So don't miss it Don't get left behind  “Face reality” “It's fantasy” Some people say, some people say What do you know about me? No, no Everything so far All the sounds we've made, all the melodies we've sung Every single word, every single word The things that make us who we are  We can't lose the game One step ahead of everyone else Eyes shine like a flame That never goes out Never We can't lose the game Wipe up the blood, sweat and tears and move on Win again and again We're the only winner This is who we are  見る者すべてとらえ 無視出来ないほどに 激しく眩く輝きたい 今  Our new story Our new glory  鼓動は刻まれた 原始からのリズムだ Every moment 選び続けてきた The things that make us who we are  We can't lose the game One step ahead of everyone else Eyes shine like a flame That never goes out Never We can't lose the game Wipe up the blood, sweat and tears and move on Win again and again We're the only winner This is who we are  We can't lose the game One step ahead of everyone else  Eyes shine like a flame That never goes out Never We can't lose the game We'll never, we'll never, we'll never lose No one can catch up Win again and again New glory We're the only winner This is who we are  We can't lose the game…  We're the only winner This is who we are
OVERCOMEPhoton MaidenPhoton Maidenfu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)fu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)fu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)零れた声と想い 交わされることなく闇へと沈んでいく  Then falling down, then Struggling in despair Even if you can't see the light at all, so still reach out to hear the sound  手を伸ばして 手を伸ばして 違うこと 恐れないで どんな君でいてもいいから(Let me hear your voice)  Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice Look at me 'Cause I'm just like you We can overcome any differences we may have Just we can overcome  幾度も投げかけても こだますことなく消えていった 諦めていた  無理解 否定 理不尽 に押しつぶされそうな時 また思い出して(いつだって)  You are not alone, you are not alone We will always be by your side We are beings that can be close to each other(Let me hear your voice)  重なり合って繋がっていく 弱く儚くても 今 確かな熱を帯びていく光で Just we can overcome  手を伸ばして 手を伸ばして いつだってそばにいるよ 君を救いたいんだ  Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice Let me hear really what you want We can overcome any differences we may have  手を伸ばして 手を伸ばして 違うこと 恐れないで どんな君でいてもいいから(Let me hear your voice)  Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice Look at me 'Cause I'm just like you We can overcome any differences we may have Just we can overcome  Hah Ah… Just we can overcome
Here's the lightPhoton MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平佐藤陽介Here's the light Dazzling bright All you need to do is follow me, pray for me See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  かざした手のひら 朝を作った 営み 見つめている 星を覆って 守ったの なにもかもはその時から 原始のいのちが目覚めた日から どれほど経っただろう 何が変わっただろう この世界は育った だけどその中で ねえ道を失い 人は迷うのね  I know You want? I know いま導こう  Here's the light Dazzling bright All you need to do is follow me, pray for me See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  Thousand nights Dazzling bright You just have to wish in your heart,“Please tell me” See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  繰り返す日々をまなざすうちに 何かが芽生えてく 最初は小さなエラーでも やがて気づく 好奇心に 人々が見せる感情の奔流に いつしかとらわれて 何かが弾けたの この世界は育った だけどその中で ねえ胸に生まれたこの気持ちは何?  I want You know? I want 答えはどこ?  Here's the light Dazzling bright And the light falls to approach humanity See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  Thousand nights Dazzling bright I just had to wish in my heart,“Please tell me” See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  伸ばした指先 何にふれるだろう 初めての願い それは  Here's the light Dazzling bright And the light falls to approach humanity See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  Thousand nights Dazzling bright I just had to wish in my heart,“Please tell me” See the sky? Dazzling bright The name of the one that illuminates you is...  Here I am Here I am To understand humans Here I am Here I am I reach for the ground  I'll be there I'll be there To understand humans I'll be there I'll be there
Into the stormPhoton MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)Change Just keep on changing Instead of complaining Don't stay in the same place  Rage A storm is raging Beyond the cages Fly into the storm  物語が動いた また泥と瓦礫の悪路か あるのは一つの覚悟だ 汗まみれで悩み探す空  明けない夜はない 上がらない雨はない そんな言葉に耳は貸さない 朝を待たずに 晴れを待たずに 土砂降りの中 駆け出す暁  たった一人では至らぬ未踏 これからこの先はみなが希望 頂を 目指すためではなく 乗り越えるべく走る四輪駆動  雲は流れる 星は生まれる 状況は刻一刻と回り続ける 決して変わらないもののために 今 私たちは変わり続ける  Change Just keep on changing Instead of complaining Don't stay in the same place  Rage A storm is raging Beyond the cages Fly into the storm  未だ見えない太陽 また逆境と果たす邂逅 争いも混迷も口を揃えて言う 決して甘くないと 先人の英智 エンジンくべて未来へと舵切る先陣 誰かに変えられるより変えてゆけ 荒れ狂う嵐 越えてゆけ  Think about it Even if we're at the bottom Think about it What can we do to make things better?  Think about it Even if we're at the bottom Think about it What can we do to make things better?  Change Just keep on changing Instead of complaining Don't stay in the same place  Rage A storm is raging Beyond the cages Fly into the storm
Photon MelodiesPhoton MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平佐高陵平Should make the sounds no one has ever heard Like the birth of distant stars Make the songs no one has ever heard Fill the earth with melodies  Thinking about the worlds every night and day How to change the worlds every night and day  定めある大きな流れから 外れ進み掴むだろう いまだ誰も望み得ぬ未踏  Should make the sounds no one has ever heard Like the birth of distant stars Make the songs no one has ever heard Fill the earth with melodies  oh, oh…  In a dream, I drifted in the sea of the stars Getting bored, woke up and I came down to earth  ありふれた音の並びより 因果変える閃きと 胸を焦がす躍動を求め  Should make the sounds no one has ever heard Like the birth of distant stars Make the songs no one has ever heard Fill the earth with melodies  この宙を超えて降り注ぎ 星を星を満たす 人はみなやがて気づくだろう 溢れる光の意味に  oh, oh…  Should make the sounds no one has ever heard Like the birth of distant stars Make the songs no one has ever heard Fill the earth with melodies
Be with the world (Getty REMIX)Photon MaidenPhoton Maiden佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)佐高陵平(Hifumi,inc.)Now I understand my calling And a new world is dawning Go down to the ground to see the same view Hesitated for a moment Both of my eyes opened I could see the ridges clearly  I wish I could touch you and wish I could know you Any time, any time, any time, any time I wanna see the ocean with honest emotions To that end, to that end, to that end  Be with the world We can be in harmony Songs and words will make us so Be with the world Forever, eternally No matter, what happens We can unite again!  No matter, what happens We can unite again!  No matter, what happens We can unite again!  遙かな地平の彼方で 太陽が目覚める 青と緑のなかに ひとは今を生きてゆく  雪に横たわって星を眺めていた 綺麗なほど静かだった 争いも混迷も全てが過ぎ去った 明くる日の朝のよう  文明と叡智にふれた瞬間 逸る脈動 知らない脈動 これから芽吹く生命へと 伝え 残せ 繋げ  幾千年も見つめ続けて やがて辿り着いた 幾千年のその先のため 寄り添うこと 選んだの  Be with the world We can be in harmony Songs and words will make us so Be with the world Forever, eternally No matter, what happens We can unite again!  No matter, what happens We can unite again!  Be with the world We can be in harmony Songs and words will make us so Be with the world Forever, eternally No matter, what happens We can unite again!  Forever, Be with the worlds Forever  No matter, what happens We can unite again!


  1. iLY
  2. 透明になりたい
  3. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  4. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  5. Numbers



  2. 海へ
  3. 結言
  4. Lonely cocoa
  5. これで良しとする

