曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
We have no doubtBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMATime and tide wait for no light Twinkle star was hidden by the brightness Dime just my size Well, if you have an unhappy look, There is no more meaning in the world  Walking in star shine End of day I don't hate The night picks me up from the nightmare And as I am looking up My heart will be falling down How small am I  Because I am a liar I can tell all your lies But I will not say anything, anywhere I will believe every word, every lie you say Never lose your mind that is all I want Swear by my name  Listen to me my sweet heart You got to be calm. I beg your favor No matter where you go I will be with you  On the grass, I could not stir Looking up so blindly Beautiful and kind to me you were Tomorrow does not always come Word is not so certainly I do not know  We have no doubt
look at meBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAIn the morning station As I get on a crowded train, firmly I clench my fists I wanna kick someone's ass to make my sweet day But I'm standing after all Again and again Everyday bounded by the boring walk It's same course and same landscape I wanna kick someone's ass to make my sweet day But I'm standing The dog and me…  World has gone before one knows Everything seems to be in rush, stupid me alone Sleepless night endless repeat So feeling is worse, make it up  No twenty years old, I hate it Screaming for everyone God is cute and oh she must have body of perfect You said to me,
CPXBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAHello, my name is CPX I'm an ordinary android Tell me boss, what do you want? I'm waiting for your direction If you say, so I'll sacrifice myself to make to you satisfied But the boss is lying on his bed and looking through the new catalog  I got it Every time, I fake a lovely smile My heart is shredded into tiny pieces I'm sick of this view I see when I clean the windows I'm Brutus, You're Caesar  Sink or Swim This is my private war Raise your fist to find who you are If I miss this chance to make an action, trush me on Friday Sink or Swim Don't let the others control you Raise your fist, just wait and see The next day I found myself in the show window I passed everyday
CHAINBIGMAMABIGMAMABIGMAMABIGMAMAI've been spending all my life for just this moment. If you say “I'm sorry” but your cry will not sound in my heart. knife and rope Then smoke or slice that you can choose it. If you say “I'm sorry” but your cry will not sound in my heart. It's over.  I can see you only in my dream. String and hook, I wish to take you back. I fear that you disappear from dream. Time is useless. You are no account.  I will keep on erasing in my brain forever I will keep on …smoke you slice you and taste you for me
Do you remember?BIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAHow many grays did I lose to? The course on your left hand is overwhelming I can't bear my lightness of being Give me the balloon It'll sweep me of the ground  He knocks the door and keeps on the action The sign doesn't come back anymore Open up. But the sliding door is closed and freezes the world He waits and waits But the pallet is still dull The sign doesn't comeback anymore No matter how hard he tries, the sight adds no bright (color)  Do you remember? All the night Do you remember? The promise we made together Do you remember? All the night Now I say to myself over and over Come with me  The “yes” sign you gave How much was the deal? You don't know anything I want The right of you that I fell in love Lost to the left of you  The “yes” sign you gave How much was the deal? You don't know anything I want The right of you that I fell in love Lost to the reason
NeverlandBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMANo more fear for me And nothing I can see A letter on the table saying I will be Gona for a week, hey dad And stop looking after me In my backpack all the sweets are ready  I'm just sick and tired of everything No need for logics and philosophy You better care the attitude within yourself Radios and stereos are coming doubt  No more fear for me And nothing I can see A letter on the table saying I will be Gona for a week, hey dad And stop looking after me In my backpack all the sweets are ready  I wish I could go to Neverland Seven colored trail I built Obstruction talking too much endlessly The scene I saw beneath myself It's so tiny more than I thought Everything seems to be in my hand  Emergency the shadow is aiming I was shot by crazy clown It's the end I'm falling down It's so freezing more than I thought and I wake From the dream with wet I'm betty wetty Emergency mom's gonna kill me
the cookie crumblesBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人・リアド偉武BIGMAMAYes, I am hanging on to the cliff, cut off 90 degrees Holding on somewhere, treading on somewhere Yes, no matter how strong rain falls, how strong pain will fall Why? I won't let go that hand  Oh dear, look down! There is a starving alligator Be careful, look up! Mr. Tiger is inviting me Behind on my back, a python sissing and kissing Waiting for a chance to swallow me up Give me a break The cookie crumbles  Sell my heart, I do it over again To get love and fill the blank Now I can feel this weight on my back Growing up day by day Take out your heart, I do it over again To get love and fill the blank How can your feel that weight on your back? Growing up day by day  Yes, I am hanging on to the cliff, cut off 90 degrees Holding on somewhere, treading on somewhere Is this a real?  This is the worst and usual. Such a bad situation And then a little bud is trying to bloom right now Can you feel that? The cookie crumbles  May be, it is so easy to let the hand go, but The heavier the backpack, You will get toughness in your life You will get kindness in your life You will get strictness in your life You will get image on your life Don't you feel like laughing at the top? This is the life
Cinderella~計算高いシンデレラ~BIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAA long long time ago, there was a clever girl She was so cute, glamorous and ambitious She heard on the grapevine, so the story goes The prince is looking for Cinderella  She waited in the line to get a better class And stayed up all the night to slip on the tender glass “Oh my god. It does not fit for me…” “I don't care anymore.”She crammed it into the wheel She never gave up wearing with her bloody heel Your destiny should be changed by your hand It's needed by all over the world now  I'm crazy for you You're the one for me Keep on loving you Would you marry me?  It's twelve o'clock midnight The long hand hugs the short hand But still goes on, the unbroken spell She is still here  I can hear the sound of wedding bell Bless our kiss and my promised life “Wherever can your pumpkin cab be?” “I ate it by cooked in soy source” “It sounds good. I hope you'll cook for me.” Yes, she has a nerve It's needed by all over the world now  I'm Crazy for you You're the one for me Keep on loving you Would you marry me?
『それはきっと天使が長く勤まらない理由』BIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAOne early morning I met an Angel sitting on street Blessing people is her job, her salary is their smile A work harder than it seems, was too heavy for her two wings Stopped to fly May be the reason that angels won't work long  She gave all her love Starving they were Forgot herself loved May be the reason that angels won't work long is this  She tore her small wings away, an Angel was scared to love “Love me”her heart screamed out, but in words it's hard to say Fallen angel she is now, cut herself up with those wings Started to cry May be the reason that angels won't work long is this  By being covered with Bruises and cuts Made sure of herself It was the only way  Forgetting wings are now gone, tonight she'll once fly again A branch for you to rest, was I able to be
“MISSION 481”BIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMA準備は万端なんです 現場待機中 ちなみに宣戦布告を提出済みです 気分はノルマンディさ、上陸寸前 彼女のベッドを発見 ミッション開始です  大胆かつ繊細な 手つきで葡匐前進してんだ 完全な変態だ 真夜中過ぎてどうかしてんだ Can't hold my heart it's beating right now My lethal weapon is ready to go Almost twice the normal size 朝まで眠れない...  第一関門突破 上陸成功 興奮で脳溢血寸前 ドーパミン全開  Hug and kiss, its so deep again and again Sneak into her sanctuary He touched something hard on small rise of land Found something that should not be there (彼女の肌のぬくもりを感じ 熱い口付けを交わす二人 そっと核心に忍び寄る彼の右手は 彼女の股間に異物を感じる そこにはあってはならないものが 機関銃が標準装備されている)  残念な展開だ 完全に反省だ Can't hold my heart it's beating right now My lethal weapon is ready to go Almost twice the normal size 朝まで眠れない...  斬新な発想で 悩んだ末に強行突破 新鮮な食感だ 遥かな未知と遭遇したんだ Can't hold my heart it's beating right now My lethal weapon's mission complete Almost twice the normal size まだまだ眠れない...
Dowsing For The FutureBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人・リアド偉武BIGMAMASlight metal two rods carrying happiness They accidently crossed right in front of me You always keep my left when stepping it together So the left belongs to you The two lines crossed It is the story of our meeting Between you and me  Yes, keep digging here deep and deep down There is something sleeping Yes, it may be a treasure or write-offs Keep close in the ground Wake it up with your hands  Slight metal two rods carrying fire storm They looked other way this time, out of the blue Seeking for a different future, I am the right So the left belongs to you Quitting face to face It's the story of our split up Between you and me  Yes, keep digging here deep and deep down There is something sleeping Yes, it may be a treasure or write-offs Keep close in the ground Wake it up with your hands  Yes, we're looking for a place to belong, when we say hello Yes, we make sure of the place to belong, when we say good-bye  Yes, keep digging here deep and deep down There is something sleeping Yes, it may be a treasure or write-offs Meeting, split up, if I could love both There's no purpose
Paper-craftBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMA僕は酷く薄っぺらなんだ 厚さ40μオブラート然り 今にも風で飛んじゃいそうなんだ 辛うじて地に足着けています 横から見るとみっとも無いから 僕はそれを誤魔化そうとして 心に1つ影を持つことで 二次元な自分を立体に見せた  灰になるほど熱いパトスは 持ち合わせてはいないんです 自分自身地球の真上から見下ろして 他人面で傍観してんだ  確かな鼻っ柱も 不確かなプライドも 全部綺麗に圧し折って君を運ぶよ 僕のPaper-craft 君一人乗りさ、遠くまで飛べるかな 行く先は風の気のままでいいでしょう?  触れられると倒れちゃいそうなんで 人間一般と距離を取った 遠めに見せた虚構の自分に いったいどんな意味があったの? いつからか僕は神と崇められ 今度は人に値段付けてった そうして付いた君の市場価格 一体おいくらだったんでしょうか  欠伸してないで飛び降りるんだ  確かなその目凝らして 不確かな影を踏め 結局のとこ中身偽装の貼りぼてなんだろ 君のPaper-craft 壊れそうな頼りない箱舟です いっその事火を放て タダ乗りしてんだろ  適当ばっか並べてるんだきっと 叶えるだけの義理も義務もないから 原因と結果は君が創ってるんだずっと 君の未来はいつも君の心にある
ダイヤモンドリング(2035/09/02)BIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMA久しぶりにも程があるわ 私の事覚えてる? いつもより濃いめのメイクは 年老いた私なりの礼儀なの 許してね  風は止んで 地球も呼吸を忘れて見守る 重なり合って また会えたね  太陽が月を抱いて嬉し泣きすると 一粒の宝石になる 真昼の夜空に薬指重ねて あなたの事を思い出してみる  月(あたし)は健気に輝くだけが取り柄よ 疲れるの 此処だけの話地球(みんな)の前じゃ 言えぬ本音を心の裏側に隠してる  大丈夫かな あなたはいつも心配そうに どんな話も 聴いてくれたね  太陽は月の背中を洗い流したよ 悲しい嘘を抱え込まぬよう 二人だけの時間は素直になれたの あなたといると輝いていられるわ  空が青を呼び戻す ゆっくりしていけば良いのに 降り注ぐ光が二人に別れを告げるよ  太陽は月の背中に落書きをしたよ また会う時に笑えるように 二人だけの秘密は運命を越えて 赤い糸を固結びにしたの
かくれんぼBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMA隠れてなんかいないで出ておいで もういいかい? まぁだだよ  壁をすり抜け自由自在に空を泳ぐ 残されている遊泳時間はあと僅か 僕の抜け殻に寄り添い君は黙ったままで その手を離さない  そんな顔しないでよ そっと背中抱き寄せた  泣いたり怒ったり 人間は忙しい生き物だろう? 声くらい聴かせてよ  「何だか少し寒気がするの、 エアコンをつけて頂戴。」 石橋を叩いて壊すあなただからまだ信じきれなくて 希望とか未来とか二人で描いた予想図は 涙で滲んで乾くまで書き直せやしないの  一人にしないでよ その手を強く握りしめた  忘れたり覚えてたり 人間って不器用な生き物でしょう? 上手に笑えるようになれるかな 「さよなら」でいいから聴かせてよ  隠れてなんかいないで 出ておいで もういいかい?  どんな深い闇に飲まれて 地の果てで吐き出されていても 必ず見つけ出せるよ 何度でも救ってみせるよ そこが家の犬小屋だろうと そこが月の裏側だろうと 必ず見つけ出せるよ 何度でも救ってみせるよ  差し出したその両手を すり抜けると 僕は君の未来へ 溶けていく 俯いてなんかいないで 君らしくありのままで 君が世界を敵に回しても 僕が全部味方にしてあげるから  隠れて何かいないででておいで もういいかい? もういいよ
I Don't Need a Time MachineBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人・ムマシーンBIGMAMA目覚ましのアラームが鳴き止んだ ついでに時間も止まってくれないかい? あまりに君の寝相が悪過ぎて またいつものソファーで眠りから覚める  つり革(てじょう)に掴まり電車(かんおけ)に揺らされて それでも君のためなら 骨になるまで働くよ  過去に戻れる日が来たら 迷わず僕は今日を選ぶだろう but, I don't need a time machine 折角だけど要らないよ それは君となら迷わぬ今日を 毎日繰り返す気がするからさ 気がする?いや、出来るはず  I believe my love I believe your love I believe our love I believe this love is forever  未来と呼べるその日まで 寄り道しながら歩いて行こう yes, I don't need a time machine 折角だけど要らないよ どんな僅か些細な喜びも 見落とさずに居られる気がするよ 気がする?いや、出来るはず  I believe my love I believe your love I believe our love I believe this love is forever
No Way OutBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人・リアド偉武BIGMAMAway to keep pain away is not to get into all the things soreness will make us weak inside she does not know the way and his last day will never come back  promised time has come he never came to her looking at her watch again all the snow has changed to rain while she stood looking at her watch again  there's no way out of tragic story standing all alone she is waiting for  way to keep pain away is not to get into all the things soreness will make us weak inside happiness gain the weight It's hard to get back to normal things unless you make tracks when you're blind she does not know the way and his last day will never come back  there's no way out of tragic story no way to fly away
LovescapeBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMA「両手を挙げて床に伏せろ、今すぐ一億用意しな」 銃声が悲鳴と混乱を招く 白昼堂々 週末の狂想劇 窓口からレディを呼び寄せ 札束鞄に詰めさせて 如何にもありがちなシチュエーション 全て計画通りさ  玉乗りピエロみたいに 地球を転がせ お安い御用さ  今日も地球はお金で廻るよ みんなお金を追いかけているからさ 退屈しのぎだね 生きてく事自体  ランチを終えて満腹な鞄を 大事に両手で抱えて 裏口に車は手配済み 全て計画通りさ  物音がして振り返ると 偶然目が合った ライフル越しに覗いた姿に 打ち抜かれたのは僕の方 これを恋と呼ばず何と呼ぶのかな  お金はいらない あなたが欲しいよ あなたのためならまじめに働くよ レディは苦笑い、その後頷く  今日から地球は愛で廻るよ 僕があなたを追いかけているからさ どこかに消えたいな このまま二人で Lovescape
虹を食べたアイリスBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAアイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク 一人きり 孤独な運命 扉を叩く音は強く鳴り響いていく アイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク  黒い海に白い太陽 虹を盗んだ少女が居て 綺麗なまま 腐らせぬよう その日のうちに 切り分けて食べた  それから世界は色を失う ただ1人の泥棒を除いて 視線が怖くて外に出れなくて 次第に後悔に震えている 鍵を掛けて封鎖してバリケード  “色を返せ”叫ぶ群衆  アイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク 一人きり 孤独な運命 扉を叩く音は強く鳴り響いていく アイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク  アイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク 一人きり 孤独な運命 扉を叩く音は強く鳴り響いていく 手にしたナイフ…  アイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク 一人きり 自分を深くただ 切り裂いてく 赤く染まる 崩れ落ちてく アイリス・イン・ザ・ダーク
走れエロスBIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMAcome over to my house tonight? my parents are away my heart beat can't stop go wild a sudden sweet ray but wait, I don't have the“thing”“I'll promise I'll come back!” heading for the happy plan I ran to god, I prayed  Melos spring has come  don't sell off your body cheap or pay for somebodys' hip cause spring is just like a treat for who beard the winter storm  at long last I reached my goal and then straight away around the vender I can see an aureola today calmed my breath and pushed the key now safe in my pocket a graduation from the rule, I turned back my way  Melos spring has come  don't sell off your body cheap or pay for somebodys' hip cause spring is just like a treat for who beard the winter storm don't sell off your body cheap or pay for somebodys' hip I run up in giant skip I am feeling like a“Melos run”  I am feeling like a“Eros run”
荒狂曲“シンセカイ”BIGMAMABIGMAMA金井政人BIGMAMA果てしなく広がる海原で 板切れ一つにしがみ付くような 日々にもう嫌気が差して 少年は貨物に紛れ込んだ 近づく足音と反比例して 吐く息をそっと殺していく 僕は僕を密輸する だって待ってたって助けなんて来やしない 誰1人来やしないよ  どれくらい経ったろうか 食料や水が尽きて 意識さえも途絶えてく 次に目が覚めた時は 広がる新世界 未だ見ぬ新しい自分 そう信じたいね  両手両足貼付けられて 目覚まし替わりの水を被った 現実はそんなに甘く無いさ 首筋を刃で撫で回して “何をしに此処へ”と尋ねられた 船長は不適に笑う  “世界が退屈で仕方ないのです” 誰かの航路をなぞってたって辿り着けはしない 新世界へ  “煮るなり焼くなり好きにしろって” 少年は覚悟を決め叫んだ 首筋の刃は食い込んで行く “世界の退屈を嘆くような つまらない大人にだけはなるな” その胸に深く刻む


  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. 愛し合いなさい
  3. さよーならまたいつか!
  4. Dear
  5. 夢幻



  1. 愛し合いなさい
  2. LOUD
  3. クライマル
  4. NOW
  5. ブラックホール

