きみの花MIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy・masasucks | KOTA | | ぼくら弱者は軟弱だから 強い力にあこがれる 見えない未来に 翻弄されて その不透明さが ぼくらを苦しめる あれやこれやと 欲張りすぎて現在 固定観念が ぼくらを蝕んでく I just say goodbye, my memories I just say goodbye, my broken heart I cannot come back to the time I cannot come back in your time いつだって乗り越えてきたんだぼくらは 優しさと想いが強い力 I wanna make your smile and sound for your life If I'm so confusing of my time いくつもの想いが重なって ぼくらは move to move 現代ツールに 翻弄されて 感情グラフが 乱れうち 赤 青 黄色 道に迷い込んだら きみの中に 咲く花 枯れる花 I just say goodbye, my memories I just say goodbye, my broken heart I cannot come back to the time I cannot come back in your time ニセモノの青空 偽りのライフ クレイジーな マイセルフ I don't care, Let it be いったいぼくら 何処に いったいぼくら 何に I just say goodbye, my memories I just say goodbye, my broken heart I cannot come back to the time I cannot come back in your time |
AnytimeMIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy | KOTA | | Alone どれくらい 立ち止まっていたんだろう 時間(とき)に取り残されて 傷ついて 失敗したりして 恥をかいて 後ろめたくても 君の旋律に乗って行くの Okay! Alright! Anytime, anytime, anytime, smiling あの日の 悲しみさえも Anytime, anytime, anytime trust me 奏でるの The story goes on この広い世界で この場所を選んで 今日からは 君と 未来 歩んでいくよ 笑って 泣いて ムキになって 無感情ではいられないけど 大切な思いは支えになるの Okay! Alright! Run away, run away, run away, Darkness つまずいても また立ち上がれ Run away, run away, run away, gloomy ありのままで The story goes on Tonight, everybody, dance dance dance Tonight, everybody, dance dance dance Tonight, everybody, sing sing sing Tonight, everybody, sing sing sing Okay! Alright! Anytime, anytime, anytime, smiling あの日の 悔しささえも Run away, run away, run away, Darkness 夢中で走るよ The story goes on Anytime, anytime Run away, run away Anytime, anytime, anytime, trust me ページめくって The story goes on |
STAR LIGHTMIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy・masasucks | masasucks | | I miss you, you are in my heart forever and ever I feel you, you existence and your voice, you are my hero You give me, take a chance now, I don't slip it away Stay with me, I wanna show him up your smile, you are my special One day, I see you again and my heart beats fast At the time, afraid of losing you I could not be obedient You are my light Wherever you are, whatever you do You are my light Even if you loved someone, my heart will go on はるか遠く彼方の 君を照らすスターライト 通りすぎた月光 追いかけ you are my hero You tell me, keep my dream alive our lives goes on You lead me, I hope that my thoughts reach you, you are my special The day, I could not control my feelings for you First time, I didn't remember you now that unforgettable You are my light Wherever you are, whatever you do You are my light Even if you loved someone, my heart will go on Nobody knows, my face Nobody knows, your heart だれも知らない鼓動 Nobody knows, your face Nobody knows, my heart Our face smiled and heart cried Just once more, just once more My heart seeks your warmth Just once more, just once more Hope to see you the day's last One day, I see you again and my heart beats fast At the time, afraid of losing you I could not be obedient You are my light Wherever you are, whatever you do You are my light Even if you loved someone, my heart will go on You are my best starlight Something remember me |
In My LifeMIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy | KOTA | | In my life, I have you In your life, I'm with you Don't Leave me Don't let go One morning I had sad dream I wake up and was relieved The uneasiness does not run out But, You are a source of my power My eye, Watch you Your eyes, Look after me Keep your eyes on In my life, I have you In your life, I'm with you Don't Leave me Don't let go There is much more to do with you We are not common Make it a better place face difficulties Believe in your love Believe in myself In my life, I have you In your life, I'm with you My wish is to live with you My wish become happy with you The way where you and I live for We turn to the top and will walk In my life, I have you In your life, I'm with you |
デイドリームファンタジーMIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy | KOTA | | Daydream shine my life まだ見ぬ世界を夢見るよ day dream 雨あがり 水たまり 淀んだ水が溜まっているよ 蓄えてた力 エキサイティング 決壊し解放されて 走りだす 動きだす 何かを始めたいと思いながらも 中々1歩 踏み出すことが出来ないままのあまのじゃく Ah 世界は見えない 前も後ろも あなたのことも 毎日大切にするのさ おはよう おやすみ Daydream finding that you あなたと しあわせ 探しにいこう Daydream shine my life まだ見ぬ世界を夢みるよ daydream ひとーつ ふたーつ 年とるごとに 刺激よりも安らぎ求めた 清く 正しく 潔く 順風満帆とはいかないけれど それなりにやってきたんだ 人生は奇想天外 傷つくことがわかっていても みなひとりぼっちじゃいられないんだ Ah-Ah, Ah しあわせだから Uh, Uh, Uh 笑うんじゃない 笑うから しあわせなんだ Take me to the stage 心ふるえるような 至上の音楽 Take me with your smile 悲しみの中でも 喜び見つけよう Daydream finding that you あなたと しあわせ 探しにいこう Daydream shine my life まだ見ぬ世界を夢みるよ daydream |
Magical MusicMIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy | KOTA | | 荒野を駆け抜けたら 希望は見えてくるのかな 求める自分でもなくて 描いた世界でもなくて だれの為に生きて 何の為に生きるの 答えは出ないまま 今日は今日も歌い続けるの Magical music, Magical music, Magical music, Life Power of music, Power of music, Life, Oh Oh Oh 平凡な風景が 意味のあるものに変わって 陳腐で退屈な景色が 光り輝いていくよ Now your time has come 思い出に惑わされないで You know what you got to do ひとりでも飛び立っていけるよ Magical music, Magical music, Magical music, Life Power of music, Power of music, Life, Oh Oh Oh Magical music, Magical music Power of music, Power of music Peace my pace, peace my pace 僕ってなんだっけ 僕ってだれだっけ 私ってなんだっけ 私ってだれだっけ 自分てなんだっけ 自分てだれだっけ 自分らしくあるために Magical music, Magical music, Magical music, Life Power of music, Power of music, Power of music, Life Magical music, Magical music, Magical music, Life Power of music, Power of music, Life, Oh Oh Oh |
VacationMIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | KOTA | KOTA | | p.l.a.y.i.n.g Here, the best now, Here the best words h.e.a.r.i.n.g Cries and wailing of my soul Vacation at the end anymore Shining In this stage anymore put your hands up, held out your hands One by one There is a meaning I don't care about feel your motion 1・2・3 We must forget the sorrow I to had still time left |
ハピネス☆MIX MARKET | MIX MARKET | YUTTy | KOTA | | Someday 君と出会い Everyday 平穏な日々 君が出掛けると 窓から眺めてる 見知らぬ外の世界 太陽と鳥のさえずり 心地良いね Hello, Gray and white cat boy ボクはここにいるよ いつも君の帰りを待っている ハピネス ある日やんちゃなあのコが現れて change of my life 僕も君も振り周されっぱなしの あのコcolor ケンカばかり 心配ばかり さみしげな君の顔 ほら 瞳を閉じれば 優しい気持ちになるのさ ハピネス Hello, Gray and white cat boy ボクはここにいるよ 君が疲れた時には思い出してね ボクは ここにいるよ ハピネス |