ulma sound junction・吉美四季作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  1曲中 1-1曲を表示

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1曲中 1-1曲を表示
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Irrealulma sound junctionulma sound junctionulma sound junctionulma sound junction・吉美四季ulma sound junctionI don't know which path will set me free. The thing I love the most. It could be here.  I don't know what words will set you free. The thing you loved the most. Please feel it with me.  Tell me and take me to irreal. And I cursed my tongue. Would those words hurt?  Please take me, Can you hear me in stereo? Ignoring everything, other than your words.  I don't know which path will set me free. The thing I love the most. It could be here.  I don't know what words will set you free. The thing you loved the most. Please feel it with me.  Tell me and take me to irreal. And I cursed my tongue. Would those words hurt?  Please take me, Can you hear me in stereo? Ignoring everything, other than your words.  Like a bird walking without wings. It seems somewhat comical and obvious.  I want to feel you close to me. I always want to feel you close to me like that. Tell me… Tell me…  Tell me and take me to irreal. And I cursed my tongue. Would those words hurt?  Please take me, Can you hear me in stereo? Ignoring everything, other than…  Tell me…
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. Blissful
  4. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  5. がらくた



  2. 結言
  3. Lonely cocoa
  4. Just The Way We Are
  5. ラズリ

