Shall we do now?

A very nice night.
Great night.
nights like this.
Great night.

shall we do now?

I will never forget that beautiful night.
It's one of my best memories.
Just swaying, swaying, swaying,
Just swaying, like dancing.
We even sang together.

I don't remember what songs we sang.
But it was fun, wasn't it?
There's still time.

shall we do now?

shall we do now?

A very nice night.
Great night.
nights like this.
shall we do now?

I'm sorry I seem to be the only one who's happy.
Because it can't be helped,
it's such a beautiful night.
swaying, swaying, swaying,
Just swaying, like dancing.
We even sang together.

I don't remember what songs we sang.
But it was fun, wasn't it?
There's still time.
There's still time.

shall we do now?

shall we do now?

A very nice night.
Great night.
nights like this.
Great night.

A very nice night.
Great night.
nights like this.
Great night.

A very nice night.
Great night.
nights like this.
Great night.

A very nice night.
Great night.
nights like this.
shall we do now?