
Hey, You don't know what to do now
Feel like empty
And no one cares about you
You think that so?

Don't adjust yourself to others
Let it go
And I'll hold on your hand
You are still in the dark
Deep inside

You just feel like everything is gone

No matter when you're tough, I'll never let you down
Don't stop singing, dancing and jump around
So fuckin' High!!
Even If you don't get it

When you're sad, I'll never let you down
Don't stop singing, dancing and jump around
So fuckin' High!!
Won't you be High?
I'm sorry

You came to the point where you don't care about anything anymore
That's alright!
Let the music set you free

No need to tell you how to dance anymore

When you're tough, I'll never let you down
Don't stop singing, dancing and jump around
So fuckin' High!!
Even if you don't get it

When you're sad, I'll never let you down
Don't stop singing, dancing and jump around
So fuckin' High!!
Won't you be High?
I'm sorry