
If you're keep on going this way
If you're gonna keep on this craziness
I will never understand you

Always keep the calm and staying focus
It's not giving up nor impatience
It's because I have become
so determined in my mind

Open your hands in the air
Loosen up your feelings
Before all of your emotions overflows

Even days will go by
Don't just ever lose sight
There's a ray of light
that's shining down this darkness

The answer is already inside

Throwing superficial words
Unstable path that I have walked
I was struggling all the time
Just to prove that I'm alive
in those days

Harder times pass
Ahead of you
Futures waiting

Life is in your hand
All the time
Keep your head up
Keep on looking forward

Life is in your hand
All the way
Keep your head up
Keep on looking forward

Open up your eyes

Don't mix up
Open up inside your heart
It's alright