
Tap out!

To the will which we share the same blood each other
Pressure will come sooner or later
Hold up the mind of the self-control

DOGS アグレッシブ ROCKする奴で切る
ラッパ我リヤmeets DOGS偽者は死す
サッと奪い去る マウントポジション
余裕をもって 10までカウント聞こう」

We'll just pray that, You die
because of bond
Your fight is my fight
We'll just pray that,
You die because of bond
My fight is your fight

「構え前 体重で書けライム 壁はキックで破壊
冷め無い武士道 持ち始動
文字を揃え 時を過ごすここトキオ
脳味噌を揺さぶる カギ突きで魅了
病みつき ライブし稼ぎ やりくり
マイク握り アベレージ超え
放つ前蹴りでド派手に撃破 立て戦士は覚悟しろ
まず 1.2.ロー 客サンキューよ
アグレッシヴ ドッグスと挑戦

I'll never betray the parson to keep the bond
A lot of bloods has been thrown because of bond
My unity is stiff and strong
However,the misfits is made to be put
Burns out to the fighting spirit and proceeds
Losing by your best fighting

「鼓膜めがけ飛行 北斗神拳の秘孔 の様に異常
理想は偉業 成し遂げる人
尋常じゃねえ テク披露 Checkしろ
気張れ 見せろ 男の判断
解ってっか アンちゃん
まったなしで 超える 難関」

Get shock and disappointed
If you are tired,quit it

because of bond
Your fight is my fight
We'll just pray that,
You die because of bond
My fight is your fight

If your mind is taken, stop it
But keep, trying if you've the fighting spirit
I'll be you help from bottom of my soul Tap out!

Even if you spent the time, do you best
and don't give up
Even if you spent the time, do you best
and don't give up Tap out!
The one with reason I'll feel fear at time
It means you are a human
To this rotting world

「I'll show the man's value to be one who has same blood」

One bonds will be harden


AGGRESSIVE DOGS featuringラッパ我リヤの人気動画歌詞ランキング
