Tetrominon ~From Russia with Blocks~

角のホテルの マフィアの会議
折れないヒラメ いらつくゴリラ
チャイナドレスの 貴婦人が言う

ナイフが光る 脳みそは錆びる
バニラ風味で ごまかされてる
右か左か 左か右か
決めたところで That's the way it goes

The blocks from Russia are falling down
to make your brain messed up with mysteries
It's hared to perceive, easy to destroy
like your life itself

The block from Russia are falling down
You got to put them all into a square box
eliminating a piece of Tetrominon

残る議題も ついに決裂
牛歩戦術 苺のタルト
脚線美なら とうに用済み

摩天楼より 砂上の楼閣
団子と花と マルコフニコフ
右か左か 左か右か
決めたところでThat's the way it goes

From Russia are falling down
to make your brain messed up with mysteries
It's hard to perceive, easy to destroy
like your life itself

The blocks from Russia are falling down
You got to put into a box
gathering and eliminating a piece of Tetrominon

From Russia are falling down