The wind doesnt let me go
I cant grab wind
But if I could grab that cloud
I could stay here in peace

The wind wont let waves go
The wave cant take me
But if the wave would take me
I could stay here in peace

I smoke the last cigarette
By the sea good - bye
I smoke the last cigarette
Under the sky I say good - bye

The wind that blows the trees takes me back
Though I dont hope

Sand doesnt let me go
I stop you
If you can take me
I could stay here in peace

You dont try to hold me back
I cant stop the wind
If you could stop the wind
I could stay here in peace

I smoke the last cigarette
By the sea good - bye
I smoke the last cigarette
Under the sky I say good - bye

The wind that blows the trees takes me back
Though I dont hope

The wind and sky , cloud and sea
Gives peace for you and me

The wind that blows the trees takes me back
Though I dont hope

Deep blues sea
Beautiful view
Setting sun

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