マイクロコスモス (Microcosmos -English Ver-)(maikurokosumosumaikurokosumosuingurisshubajon) Wi-Fi-5

マイクロコスモス (Microcosmos -English Ver-)(maikurokosumosumaikurokosumosuingurisshubajon)
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マイクロコスモス (Microcosmos -English Ver-)(maikurokosumosumaikurokosumosuingurisshubajon)
Cutting through the dark taking step by step
Lets light the fire inside our hearts
Even though the pain will sometimes slow us down
Brighter days can be seen ahead

Even though we couldnt guess what lies down this road
There is so much to be seen and so much to know
More than yesterday and even more today
I wanna see more places that Ive never seen

Lemmebe the one to find you first in this universe
No matter where youll be Ill be the one to ride the galaxy
It might appear so vast but on the other hand
All I have to do is keep my head up high and keep my fingers crossed
Calling U
Even though we are apart
Calling U
I will shout til my voice reaches you
Calling U
No matter what the journey costs me
Calling U
Beyond the speed of light Im sending my heart to you
I promise you well never ever be apart

Race to your heart make my wish come true
cause the world that has no " U "
Is so dark Ill have no clue
And I refuse to live by such a destiny
So Ill keep my eyes ahead and will be calling for your name oh

Since I made a promise not to give up on you
The hope I carry in my heart will always stay true
The next day and even more I wanna feel all the feelings
that you bring to shine on my life

Lemmebe the one to find you first in this universe
No matter where youll be Ill be the one to ride the galaxy
It might appear so vast but on the other hand
All I have to do is keep my head up high and keep my fingers crossed
Calling U
Even though we are apart
Calling U
I will shout til my voice reaches you
Calling U
No matter what the journey costs me
Calling U
Beyond the speed of light Im sending my heart to you
I promise you well never ever be apart

Im gonna tell ya ...
Microcosmos day to day I got got
Much more things to worry about n hurt more
But the sun aint com in down no
Couse the Challenges is the fuel fuel for me to burn more
Gotta keep your head up hight fear is your biggest foe

Only way to go is ahead direction of your soul
Never gonna give up goin
Gonna take that chance on winning
Your mind is what makes your actions to move on
Youll never know why
Every shots a bulls eye key is how hard you try
Again and again

Lemmebe the one to find you first in this universe
No matter where youll be Ill be the one to ride the galaxy
It might appear so vast but on the other hand
All I have to do is keep my head up high and
keep my fingers crossed
Calling U
Even though we are apart
Calling U
I will shout til my voice reaches you
Calling U
No matter what the journey costs me
Calling U
Beyond the speed of light Im sending my heart to you
I promise you
Well never ever be apart
For eternity

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